
member since 2015

Recent Reviews10 total


Had this after work and I’m amazed how giggly it made me. Very intense but a fun time.

American Pie

Had this the other day round a campfire. It’s fairly strong and the sensation was instantaneous; it was a physical sensation, but not enough to make you fall asleep. Just feels like a weight has been taken off your chest.


I, like most people I know, am an introverted smoker; I like to smoke alone or at least with close friends, otherwise, I get quite anxious of people around me. However, when my band played at a festival recently, the promoter of the festival sorted us out with this strain of weed. What can I say? It's great. It's not too strong; I'm not a fan of getting absolutely monged every time I smoke a joint, I just like to kick back and enjoy the moment sometimes. This is perfect for that situation. I shared many joints that day (10 in the space of 5 hours, at a guess) with people from different bands - people that I've just met, and the vibe was fantastic. I'm autistic, so I'm not confident meeting new people anyway, and usually smoking weed makes it even worse, but this really improved my social skills. No negative side affects at all! no munchies, no paranoia, not even dry mouth. Perfect social/party strain. 10/10.

The White

A very difficult strain to describe. When I bought this, I was told it was very strong - potent indeed, however, to me this personally isn't that potent; perhaps I've been dealt a weak batch. The high is very difficult to explain: think an energetic mellow? An oxymoron, right? Indeed - The sativa hit me instantly; I thought I had just consumed cocaine when taking my first hit. That energy turned into a mellow buzz. Likewise a powerful mind at ease, high functioning individuals are often riddled with anxiety due to their overthinking, and those who are not riddles with anxiety are riddled with ego... This hit is an energetic, humbling, and relaxing. What a combination! About 30-60 minutes in, the indica body high creeps up. TLDR: Sativa hits immediately, indica effects afterwards, mellow and humble additives - focused driven strain too.

Amnesia Haze

My friend and I both bought a bag of this on Thursday. On Thursday, he rolled a spliff of the strain, and I had 1 drag of it. It hit me instantly as soon as I exhaled - not a creeper from that experience. On Friday, I brought 2 friends round and we decided to bong it in my house. All I can say is WOW - what a high! The feeling was very warm; I definitely got an instant sativa high from it at first - so did my friends from what I could tell - our conversation became a hilarious one. I also got the guitar out and started to write a riff and vocal line. Eventually, the indica high creeped along, and I felt like I was floating when I was sat on my sofa - it was amazing, my whole body was in a numb state of awe. Then the munchies... WARNING: DO NOT SMOKE THIS WEED IF YOU'RE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. After trying to resist the munchies, my friends left and I ate: - Chicken Tikka Masala Curry - 5 Packets Of Mini Cheddars - Big bag of Maltesers - 3 Kit Kat Chunkies... I also fell asleep at 21:30, which is very early considering recently I've been falling asleep at 02:00-03:00am. Great dope for insomnia by my experience. TLDR: instant sativa hit, indica traits creep later on, no negatives, great high - 4/5.

California Orange

I think this is a good weed, but "not my kind of weed" I.e. the kind of weed I like to smoke. For that reason alone, that's why it gets 3/3.5/5. I smoked about 5-6 hits through a cheap metal pipe outside my house, and when I stood up I was expecting a high feeling to rush through my body, but I didn't get that at all. I rushed right to the biscuit tin, I didn't even feel hungry at all, but probably had a mental taste for the biscuits. As I was eating the biscuits, I started laughing intensely. I asked myself why I was laughing; I didn't have the high kind of feeling when laughing acknowledging my own highness. It felt like I was still sober. I went upstairs and the extremely happiness and energetically carried on. I had practically no body high - it was 100% head high and had no feeling to relax at all, and at this point I could confirm that I was high, but it was just a discreet high. When I realized I was high, I went forward to write lyrics at an attempt for the weed to unleash my creativity, and I wrote some really good lyrics. They didn't really make sense at all - it was creative and ambiguous though - rather "artsy". When I laid on my bed using my laptop, I finally felt the body high. I ended up falling into a deep sleep at 9:30 rather than the usual time I get to bed at 12 - 1. Amazing sleep. I would say this is the perfect thing to smoke in the morning for the general happy-go-lucky attitude you want to reflect... just avoid mattresses or anything comfy for that matter or else the indica within will prevail. TLDR: Good head high, good for creativity, you can't tell you're high at first; if you want the body high, just find something comfy and you'll fall asleep instantly. 3 - 3.5/5.


I think I've smoked cheese in the past before (when I didn't know what I was given) since it's so common. When I first bought my first bag of weed, I bought it through a friend so I didn't know what strain I was buying, but I'm 90% sure it was cheese. From my first experience with it (first time ever smoking a whole spliff [weed+tobacco] to myself): I sat down and smoked a joint to myself in the garden, and I couldn't exactly feel the high when I was sat down, when I stood up to go back inside my house, I felt the intense rush of the strain go through me. It was like I was walking on clouds - an amazing feeling. I then went upstairs and wrote lyrics for 4 songs I wrote on the guitar, and without a doubt they were the best lyrics I've ever written. I then went onto do write a college assignment I needed to do and I was enjoying doing it a lot; this weed obviously gives oneself a work ethic. 2 days ago, I was at Godiva Festival in my home city and as I was going into the band area, I saw my friends walking out. One of them asked if I smoked weed, and after saying yes, he gave me a joint [weed by itself] he had left over - he told me it was cheese. After having a pint of Cider and a 7UP, I found the right time to smoke it when the band, Pulled Apart By Horses, came on stage at 7. This joint itself had a really nice flavor to it and it wasn't harsh on the lungs AT ALL. I couldn't feel anything, and I was holding every drag for a good 10 seconds; I didn't even get the afterburn feeling! I smoked just over 1/2 of the joint but starting sharing it with 2 other guys from then because I got the strong feeling of the high and I wanted to level myself out. This shit was intense - not like the last spliff I had smoked. Also, the band sounded WAY BETTER high as fuck. The joint gave me a crazy euphoric feeling: My vision had went into a weird acid-like phase (edgy-texture and seeing doubles of people/objects), everything went extremely brighter, and my legs felt like jelly; I had to sit down. When I sat down, I could barely sit up straight, so I ended up standing again, and then sitting again, then eventually standing up again. I had the jelly feeling in my legs for an hour, but once I could stand clearly again (without feeling like an extremely drunk man) I then went for a walk. I felt a bit anxious walking around feeling like everyone I saw knew I was high as fuck, but luckily at this point my high had calmed down a lot - it was still very bright though. I eventually bumped into my Dad and other members of my family. My Dad said to me, "You look like a zombie - it must be the heat". I nodded and barely responded when I was talking to him and was avoiding eye contact a lot. We eventually headed back to the bar and I got another pint of cider, and that certainly helped calm the high unusually. As I walking home when The Wombats were playing, I could see that everyone was staring at me, and I could hear them all talk about "how intense I looked"; this is possibly my imagination and paranoia however. 7 chavs also shouted me and asked me if I was gay, I stared at them and mumbled inaudible nonsense because I could barely speak, then walked off. As I was walking off they shouted "Yes! He is!". I ignored them. The high honestly lasted a long long time. I was still high when I went to sleep at 11:30 (not to mention it was a beautiful sleep). I had only just had my dinner and 2nd meal of the day at 10:30. I Googled some of these symptoms the day after and it turned out that a lot of these symptoms reflected on low blood pressure - which I most likely had due to only having a cheese roll hours earlier before getting high: lack of food = lack of energy. I saw my friend who gave me the joint the next day and asked him about why it was so strong. He said "it's the way I roll it". Maybe it was strong shit the second time, maybe I had no energy, maybe my tolerance has lowered significantly, maybe it wasn't even cheese and he lied to me, or maybe I'm just a pussy who couldn't handle good weed in the first place. [Note: before this the last time I smoked weed was about a month or 2 ago - I can't honestly remember]. This is probably the longest review ever. It's more of a story-teller on my experiences with this. I couldn't exactly reflect the significance and accuracy this weed gives to everyone, since we all respond differently - this is my response to it though. TLDR: Good shit, strong high, not harsh on the throat; don't smoke it in large crowds or else you'll get paranoia like I did. 4.5/5

G13 Haze

It's a great strain to smoke when you have a small amount - I.e. 1 or 2 hits from a pipe (I once had one hit from a pipe just to get rid of a headache and it worked, I wasn't high, but I was free from the headache). However, when you smoke too much, it because quite overbearing. I had a party at a friends house last night, and had a bunch of hits from this weed through a bong with 4 bottles of Budweiser. I had an almost psychedelic-like experience. At first when I was smoking it, it felt great; I had an amazing body high, and it felt like there was an orb floating around in my throat whilst the rest of my body was numb. However, once we we're about to leave, I decided to have a hit from the bong. It was a 45 minute walk home (we were mainly walking through quiet wedge-land), and I went from going completely numb to going into a massive pain and fatigue. When we were walking through the wedge, it was dark and the only source of light was a torch on my friends phone; this is where I started to have the psychedelic experience. I started to see shadows ahead of me portraying life through the 19th Century. I started to see shadows of ghosts and people kneeling down near the trees doing work, and horse carriages coming past me - it was both terrifying, but also intriguing. Once I got home, I went to bed into an insta-sleep. This weed is definitely not for beginners (I only smoke once every 2 weeks MAXIMUM).

G13 Haze

It's a great strain to smoke when you have a small amount - I.e. 1 or 2 hits from a pipe (I once had one hit from a pipe just to get rid of a headache and it worked, I wasn't high, but I was free from the headache). However, when you smoke too much, it because quite overbearing. I had a party at a friends house last night, and had a bunch of hits from this weed through a bong with 4 bottles of Budweiser. I had an almost psychedelic-like experience. At first when I was smoking it, it felt great; I had an amazing body high, and it felt like there was an orb floating around in my throat whilst the rest of my body was numb. Once we we're about to leave, I decided to have a hit from the bong. It was a 45 minute walk home (we were mainly walking through quiet wedge-land), and I went from going completely numb to going into a massive pain and fatigue. When we were walking through the wedge, it was dark and the only source of light was a torch on my friends phone; this is where I started to have the psychedelic experience. I started to see shadows ahead of me portraying life through the 19th Century. I started to see shadows of ghosts and people kneeling down near the trees doing work, and horse carriages coming past me - it was both terrifying, but also intriguing. Once I got home, I went to bed into an insta-sleep. This weed is definitely not for beginners (I only smoke once every 2 weeks MAXIMUM).


It's a great strain to smoke when you have a small amount - I.e. 1 or 2 hits from a pipe (I once had one hit from a pipe just to get rid of a headache and it worked, I wasn't high, but I was free from the headache). However, when you smoke too much, it because quite overbearing. I had a party at a friends house last night, and had a bunch of hits from this weed through a bong with 4 bottles of Budweiser. I had an almost psychedelic-like experience. At first when I was smoking it, it felt great; I had an amazing body high, and it felt like there was an orb floating around in my throat whilst the rest of my body was numb. Once we we're about to leave, I decided to have a hit from the bong. It was a 45 minute walk home (we were mainly walking through quiet wedge-land), and I went from going completely numb to going into a massive pain and fatigue. When we were walking through the wedge, it was dark and the only source of light was a torch on my friends phone; this is where I started to have the psychedelic experience. I started to see shadows ahead of me portraying life through the 19th Century. I started to see shadows of ghosts and people kneeling down near the trees doing work, and horse carriages coming past me - it was both terrifying, but also intriguing. Once I got home, I went to bed into an insta-sleep. This weed is definitely not for beginners (I only smoke once every 2 weeks MAXIMUM).