
member since 2016

Recent Reviews4 total

Jack Herer

As someone who is just getting into smoking for anxiety/depression, Jack Herer is awesome for me. I only smoke a tiny amount (2-4 hits worth) and call it good for the day/night depending on my work schedule for the week. ** My Overall Experience ** After about 5-10 minutes it kicks in. You can feel the calm and relaxing affect. While high everything that is funny becomes even funnier and some things that are not even remotely humorous become hysterical (but not in an uncontrollable manner). You can be chilling watching a good show or be up doing chores either way! You definitely get more of a head high and not so much in the body. Maybe a little lightweight but nothing to make you anxious it is more of a relaxation state. ** Extra Information About My Situation ** As far as depression goes this truly helps me forget about the shit that runs through my mind all day/night. Whether it be work related stress or falling for a girl that I work with. I recently found out she has a boyfriend yet she CONTINUES to flirt with me.. We have so much chemistry, conversations with her just flow so naturally and nothing feels forced. I usually gets antsy around attractive girls but for some reason I am comfortable around her for the majority of the time. I just feel like she's the one for me and it hurts so much knowing that her heart is with someone that isn't me. Plus my mom and sister just moved away so I feel alone the majority of the time. I hangout with friends once every month or two. I don't mind being alone because I find it relaxing but as you know being alone with your thoughts can sometimes take a turn for the worse. Crying yourself to sleep gets old and Jack Herer really just lifts me up. If you made it this far thank you for taking the time to read my story/review, I appreciate it!

Jack Herer

Jack Herer is the perfect weed if you are looking for a stress reliever. It makes everything light hearted and funny (sometimes laughing uncontrollably xD). It does not affect the body much aside from feeling light and relax. More of a head high and helps me with depression..

Clear Choice Cannabis - Tacoma

As soon as you walk in you are greeted by a friendly security guard. The employees appear knowledgeable and ready to help. Great variety and quality weed + atmosphere.