
member since 2022

Recent Reviews6 total


At first, within the first few minutes of the high, it is sleep-inducing; I do think that in larger doses it could be used for insomnia and restlessness. After that disappeared, my body fell into complete relaxation. Absolutely no pain in my body, anywhere. My mind also took a turn into a relaxed state as well. It was a different kind of relaxation. It was a type of relaxed where everything is chill there's nothing to worry about, even though my anxiety tells me there is everything to worry about and more. I found that I can separate these illogical thoughts better than I ever could have while being high from this strain. If you struggle with extreme anxiety or BPD. This strain is worth a try, in the sense that everything will not set you up for disaster. It is a very controlling high where you're able to become couch-locked or you can do what I'm doing and write a review that may help someone else, wild. I could also see this becoming a nice staple in my pre-workout routine as well.

Cereal Milk

I felt really really relaxed. Only was able to focus on one thing at a time which is ideal. Sinuses got cleared up., I felt pretty easygoing, very go-with-the-flow type of attitude. I was able to work through illogical thoughts and feelings, that are usually very difficult to get through. Stabilized my mood throughout the high. I was able to be more patient. Not just with my loved ones and my dogs but also with myself. I would consider this an intermediate strain. Very controllable high. 3/4 hits from my joint had me feeling right where I needed to be. A buildable high, could get more zooted if need be.


I thought this was a nice strain. I mean I have had strains that did the job better, but this one was alright. At the beginning of the high, I did have a minor anxiety attack, I'm not gonna lie to ya. But then it moved into a motivated, euphoric, focused high. Towards the end, as it's wearing off, I become kinda annoyed, easily irritated. As it's completely worn off, I'm left feeling relaxed and clear-minded. Its a whirlwind of a high haha.

G13 Haze

First off, I noticed that it doesn't help with my ADHD, at the beginning of the high. Slowly, it evolves into hyperfocus, total whiplash lol in a good way I promise. It is very uplifting, you become very optimistic. This one brings on the munchies but it's manageable, at least for me. I like that both my body and mind are relaxed but I'm still able to control the high. I'm also able to look at my thoughts and work through them effectively. The negative is a little spacey and it's kinda a short high, maybe I smoked less than usual. IDK will try again.

Purple Kush

This strain made me feel on edge at first. A lot was going on before I smoked, and that lingered when I did smoke. I smoked only a few hits of my gasgang cartridge and it had a very sweet, grapey flavor on the inhale and almost acidic exhale that intensifies with the after taste, I have also tried this strain as a flower as well and it tasted the same way as the cartridge, so I know that it isn't the cartridge that is making the strain taste that way. I also want to specify that it doesn't smell like actual grapes, it smells like grape gum from the early 2000s. After the anxiety went away, I was left feeling very affectionate, calm, relaxed, and sleepy at the very end. Let's just say I had a really good night's sleep. Roll up :)

Honolulu Haze

I genuinely feel relaxed. This is a strain that is primarily CBD, so I feel like there is more of a relaxing aspect in my joints and muscles, with my mind still intact. Since there is a slight amount of THC, I do feel like there is a faint high hidden in the background. It brings on some energy and motivation. This is the first CBD strain that I ever had; I can say that it keeps me productive and happy throughout the day all while not being slowed down even though I feel physically relaxed. If I can keep up with my toddler, do school, and even finish up emails, I think this is a worthy strain to try. I tried the flower version of this and it was a bright green medium/small buds, with orange pistols. Very sweet fruity smell, but when exhaled it tastes peppery. Interesting combination i know. I'm not sure what the terpenes are but it is quite the combo. Anywho, thats my review. Have a nice day. Roll up :)