
member since 2017

Recent Reviews8 total

Skywalker OG

Just got some of this from my local dispensary. It's dry and has really no aroma. It's relaxing, but in a heavy, muzzy-headed sort of way which reminds me of a hangover, headache included. It's also got a really metallic after-taste. Not a favorite.


Not sure about this one. I know it does something for my pain & inflammation, but it leaves me feeling a bit edgy-- not anxious exactly, but cranky. The smell & taste, not pleasant-- sort of like a dirty diaper, so not cool. Mixed with another strain-- like Sout Tangie, Juanita La Lagrimrosa, or Haleigh's Hope, it's amazing, gives a nice boost to mood & mobility. I'm not sure about trying it again though.

Haleigh’s Hope

I'm relatively new to cannabis & relied heavily on the advice from the dispensary counselor when I first started using whole flower. HH was on my list of must-try strains because it was formulated to treat some of my conditions-- muscle spasms, seizures, & pain. I remember the counselor being a bit dismissive of the strain, so I didn't get it initially-- and had to wait weeks for the dispensary to have more available to patients. But, this is my main staple. I don't know where I'd be without HH. (Probably still walking with a cane & having a dozen or so seizures a day). I vape & the taste is mellow, minty, & awesome. It's amazing for focus & when I have a massive pile of work that I don't want to do but have to-- HH is the thing that pulls me through. It helps still the mental peanut-gallery & helps you feel awake & alive. It's not a nighttime strain though.

Sour Tangie

Sour Tangie is part of my daily regimen & I don't know what I'd do without this strain. It gives an amazing lift. ST helps take the edge off of a major bout of depression & kicks the smaller bouts to the curb. It helps pain but also flexibility. Before using any cannabis, I often walked with a cane & used braces to help nerve pain in my hands, and had maybe a half a dozen to a dozen seizures a day. Now, no braces, no cane, and maybe 2-6 seizures a week. Sour Tangie really helped with the pain, inflammation, & mood. It's also packed with kief & also blends well with other strains. On days when I have to work & don't want to get too stoned, I mix it with a high CBD.


I've used Canna-Tsu in a few forms & have nothing but positive experiences with this strain. Don't be turned off by the low THC & CBD. (It's 3.667% THC & 6.722%CBD). It's really exceptional for pain, inflammation, relaxation, spasms, & it even helps seizures. I use it daily in an alcohol tincture. I've used it as a rescue remedy for a seizure (as a vape & tincture) and I've used it as in the kitchen as an edible. I made a glycerin tincture that was an amazing addition to whipped cream for dessert & ontop of hot cocoa. The whole flower, ground & either decarbed or abv (already-been-vaped) is really awesome in an herb mix like herbs de provence. I used it as a rub on chicken. I've noticed that vaping it makes you more relaxed and sleepy. As an edible, I get a nice boost.

Bubble Gum

Interesting strain but I hadvery different results from reviews posted-- and different results from my husband's experience. He got a nice boost-- energetically & mentally, It left him feeling energized, happy, stoned, but not so much that he wasn't functional. Me? Depending on the amount & the form, the results vary from ok to horrible. I made this into a tincture (everclear based) and into a steeped coconut oil. The coconut oil I used like you would steeped butter in recipes. First use was a mistake; I made brownies & had the presence of mind to reduce the amount used radically. I calculated the dosage too for each brownie. My result? I was tripping for 24 hours. So dizzy I couldn't walk without the world turning inside out. My head was splitting & if I sat quietly, anxiety to the point I wanted to scream. And I konked out after maybe 2 hours-- slept in a near comatose state. I slept for 14 hours. Woke up & was as dizzy as I had been after first eating the brownie. So, no go. But I had 12 ounces of coconut oil to use & about the same of tincture left-- so what to do? I was NOT about to throw them away. So, I started experimenting with micro-dosing and the results were far better. I used maybe a quarter or even an eigth of a teaspoon of the coconut oil in tea, coffee, hot cocoa, a smoothie-- and I got a nice lift, energized, happy, and blissfully pain-free. The tincture, only a few drops (3-10) in juice or a smoothie, and I get the same: happy, relaxed, energized, pain-free. I've started giving some to my mom, who's also a mmj patient, but the dose is a micro-micro dose. Maybe 3 drops a day. It's helped her pain but also her mood and she seems more clear-headed, less forgetful and unfocused.

AYR Cannabis Dispensary - Woodbridge (Med)

First-- make an appointment since this place can get busy. Second, if you have all your paperwork, you shouldn't have a problem. Third-- don't expect to get a tour or go in & see flowers. That ain't happening. This is the most helpful dispensary I've been to in NJ and they have a lot of appointments available. If you need to see a pharmacist, make an appointment. If you're restocking your supply, don't just drop in because appointments get first dibs. The cost? Nowhere near what I thought it would be. I was expecting between $120-$140 per 1/4 ounce. It was half that. Plus they had some sales today & I wound up spending a fraction of what I did for medication in NY. (I was a NY patient when I lived there). Overall, for an ounce, it cost me $340, with tax. The place is professional, clean, friendly, and the aromas of the grow-room (on the other side of the dispensary) perfume everything. They have lots of gear too, so if you're in need of accoutrement, they have a good selection. The only downside if you think of it as a downside-- and this is for anyone in NJ-- there isn't much at all in terms of processed products. If you're not intending on smoking, then you're on your own. But, I'm an herbalist so I have a stack of recipes to try and I'm excited to have some measure of control over my medicine. If you're going to make your own edibles, try getting their shake. It's not the shake you may be familiar with. GSD's shake is pure trim off premium bud. No stem. No garbage. Ground flower and very sticky, so it's full of the good stuff. If you're on a budget, shake will cost a good deal less than flower.

Columbia Care - Manhattan

The experience itself was fine, but the pharmacist knew next to nothing about the product. My husband & I knew more about cannabis & some of the questions we asked-- namely about strains & whether the blend used in the product was indica or sativa dominant, basic things anyone with some cannabis knowledge should be familiar with-- had him confused. Then he gave us the blanket response of "It's proprietary." OK. Fine. I know the NY program is a poor quality program-- namely because of the lack of control the patient has in the finished product, because the products are highly processed, and the program has monthly caps on how much in terms of dosage a patient can purchase at one time from one dispensary. The last bit I didn't know until we were on site. I got my MMJ card because of seizures and chronic pain. I can say the product helped those symptoms BUT whatever the blend is that Columbia Care makes, I had a whole host of other symptoms that came up & I had to stop taking the product. I used the tinctures, the 20:1 CBD:THC & the 1:1. The high CBD caused a depression I had never experienced before in my life. I've dealt with depression-- but like this? It took me almost a month to realize maybe it was the tincture. Add to that some other symptoms-- headache, nausea, fatigue. I stopped it & inside of 24 hours the depression was gone. The other symptoms took a bit longer to disperse-- maybe 36-48hrs. The 1:1 caused an anxiety and a depression that wasn't as bad as the 20:1. It didn't cause the nausea & headaches, but the fatigue, absolutely. The cost is comparable to the other dispensaries-- but it's annoying that most of them don't have the costs outlined on their sites. Columbia was courteous & sent me a price list after I registered & inquired. BUT, I wish they would be more transparent about what strains they use in their blends, or at least note whether they're using indica, sativa, hybrids-- even in a ratio format. I know from past experience, I'm not allergic to cannabis, but I have had poor reactions to sativa and sativa heavy blends. Knowing this information about a product is vital. The tincture helped my immediate medical needs, but it caused other problems, so I wouldn't recommend it. Ditto for the pharmacist not being knowledgeable.