
member since 2022

Recent Reviews2 total

Royal Highness

I only paid $10 for 3.5g for Royal Highness and 3.5g of Wonka Bars after using my points at Ayr Wellness. After smoking RH, I can say, without a doubt, that I’d pay $100 an eight if this beautiful, anxiety-lifting, energetic kick in the pants she has bestowed upon me. Which is fabulous, because it’s currently 5:00 in the morning,. My orange bundle of joy, Morris, the cat I rescued from outside about 7 years ago figured thy 4:00 am was the time for me to open my eyes and allow him to make biscuits on my stomach before curling up for his daily massage. After his 5 minute massage, I jumped out of bed, made my coffee, amd say outside in the lovely, cool morning air and am watching the sunrise and actually finding myself looking forward to the day ahead without a an anxious, depressed care in the world. ADHD? I’m focused and clear headed. Anxiety! What’s anxiety? Depression? Not today! RH has given me the strength, motivation, and will to make this day the, as SpongeBob SquarePants says, “the best day ever”! Don’t pass this beautiful bud up if you find it. Stock up if you suffer from severe ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and bad back pain. You won’t be disappointed!


First off, shout out to @pdxascrnd in Wayne for having the best prices out of all the dispensaries I’ve been to since getting my card from in September of 2019. Ask for Nicky when you get there; he’s an awesome dude!) 🤩🤩🤩 Novarine is so good it has inspired me to write my first review on Leafly. And trust me; I’ve tried A lot😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😴😴😴🤤🤤🤤 Since it is my first review,please be gentle on me when reading it.🤩🤩🤩 Thank you so much! This strain has a pleasant citrus scent that I tasted on the inhale. It is an easy smoke that didn’t burn my throat or cause me to choke dreadfully when on the exhale. Three small bowls in and oh boy, do I feel good. I suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, severe ADHD, as well as sciatic pain that runs from my neck down to my foot. (I also have chemo fog from taking a chemotherapy pill once a day since 2017 for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia which probably beats out every other issue I have as far as how they affect my life.) I am always on the lookout for a strain that will help treat all of my symptoms, or at least as many as possible. Some strains help with my anxiety and fatigue, but they don’t help much with the pain I deal with. Others help melt pain away but don’t do much for my mental health issues. Believe it or not, it is quite difficult to find one strain that treats all of my ailments. To be honest, I can count on one hand the amount of strains I’ve tried that have helped me with all of my issues. My friends, Novarine is on that list. For me, this is definitely an indica leaning hybrid. It’s been about 10 minutes since my last bong hit and I am so, so, SO relaxed. All of the pain I live with all day, every day is completely gone. My anxiety went from a 9 to a 2….maybe less then that. My eyes are nice and heavy, which is fabulous because I got up way too early this morning and plan on taking a nap soon. I’m chilling right now on the back patio, listening to birds tweeting, and I’m blown away at how clear each different type of bird sounds. I even hear a duck quacking down by the creek behind our house, and I’ve never heard a duck throughout the 12 years I’ve lived here. And it’s not just sounds of the birds. I can hear my husband vacuuming upstairs in our bedroom, I can hear cars driving by, our outside “feral” cat Penny meowing above me. I can hear some kids in the distance……everything sounds so clear. And the colors! The trees are lush, green, and bright and the brilliant blue sky dotted with whips of clouds. For me, Novarine is the closet thing I’ve used to a trip on magic mushrooms I’ve had. I highly recommend this strain for anyone dealing with a multitude of mental health issues, as well as chronic and neurotrophic pain. If it does for you what it does for me, I promise you’ll be hearing the angels sing while rainbows and unicorns flash across the sky! 🌈🦄🥹🥲☺️😊 After this review I’m off to clean out the spice rack, clear out the Tupperware container cupboard, and maybe even make some fresh fruit salad. I’ll slip the nap in somewhere….that’s what’s so strange about this strain. It’s like I’m couch locked but can snap out of it at a moments notice.