
member since 2013

Recent Reviews1 total

Lemon Trainwreck

Lemon Wreck/Lemon Trainwreck is pretty intense. I've found that a single bowl in most occasions is more than enough to get a good buzz on. If you're planning to go out and do something today, then I recommend using something different, like Blue Buddha for example. Whenever I use LTW I get a pretty decent psychedelic high, and I noticed some issues when I was watching the Wilfred episode where he takes Ayahuasca. That caused me to lose track of time, and when I went outside I suddenly forgot everything that happened my whole life before then. This has happened to me before, and some weird stuff happened where I didn't know if I was real or not. I also thought my vacuum cleaner was a monster for a second, but that was because it was in my peripheral vision, outside of where my glasses effectively work. I definitely recommend LTW for chilling, and relaxing, but not for a day working or running errands.