
member since 2016

Recent Reviews9 total

Big Buddha Cheese

The use of Big Buddha Cheese in Taichi and Qigong, 50% head, 45% body and 5% grounding. I like the euforic and uplifted feeling this strains give you it makes you happy, but its hard to focus during the tai chi.. not that I get anxious, but not wel centered, so I loose my form.. But then I also could think my movements like from a thirth persons view. What makes it handy to find “the why” of a movement. So I would advise to use this strain when you are in a class, and pointed in the right direction...The flow feels nice by the way. But using it allown and try to practice is almost inpossible... then take the B-52 … same feeling, but more focussed.

Master Kush

the use of Master Kush in tai chi or qigong 35% head, 15% body and 50% grounding. I found this strain helpful for slowing down. Becauce its harder to focus your thinking its easyer to get in the feeling of the flow. Also the heavy grouning makes everthing feels slower, so again that helps you to feel (focus) on your flow. Its like your in a bubble (dream land) witch makes you not distractet to other things as you practice. The grounding is also usefull for the still Qigongs. To make a good connection with the earth an exance Yin energy. Like the Turbo Skunk, you can feel your deep muscles (like te one's around your spine) but the focus wil go fast to flowing and spontanious movement. PS. absolutely no paraniod side effects :-)

Bubble Gum

the use of Bubble (gum?) in tai chi or qigong 40% head, 50% body and 10% grounding I found this strain very good to veel your flow, and corecting your timing flaws... in the Tai Chi... The good balance between head and body high makes it good to focus and relax.. and there for good to go with the flow. One of my faforet strains when practicing. Also good for people with ADHD that want to get started with Tai Chi... good mellow buzz to get the edges of your distraction...when practising you feel you've got a long break on the flow... so when you get distractet the flow wll bring you back in focus.

Jack Herer

Th e use of Jack hererer in tai chi or qigong 85% head, 15% boddy, maybe 0% or less grounding. I found this strain usefull for folowing your hands and feet. Like it when you need to expel binchi during the moving Qigongs. But becaurse you are not grounded, its hard to center. I would use it for people that are to much grounded, to help them to get more free and relaxed. This in combination with free spontatiuos movement Tai Chi. Great for party

Super Skunk

The use of Turbo Skunk in Tai Chi, Dao Yin and Qigong. 30% head, 60% boddy and 10% grounding most of the time the grounding is less... I found the use of this strain perticulary good to focus and feel your deep muscles. Do still Qigong and then start to move like you do your Thai Chi or Qigong... when you find stress in your boddy... keep moving, but let the forms (figures) go.. and focus on the “pain” and loosen this... this can result in very funny postures.. this one time I was lying on the ground with one lege to the left and my hip in the other direction as my shoulders, just to stretsch one particular muscle near to my spine.. the day afther I was rid off my back pains that where there for 4 days... In Holland Turbo Skunk is easy to find... can't find it on leafy so put it here... look out Turbo Skung is way more heavy as Super Skunk.


The use of B-52 (Crystal) in tai chi or qigong. 45% head, 35% boddy and 20% grounding. I found this strain very usefull to visiolise your Qi flow. Afther seeing it, it's easyer to feel it in the parts of your boddy where you are not so connected to. For example... standing like a three.... evey figure you can find the meaning of the figure (posture) by just thinking of the name of the figure and visiolise how this can be this figure... (how did the person that invented this movement/posture came to this paticulare posture/figure?) It also helps to keep your focus really to the movements your making. So much that you will get lost in time. Some times I practice 5 min. and it's like 3 hours..or 3 hours and it feels like 5 min.

Northern Lights

The use of Northen Lights in Tai Chi and Qigong. 35% head, 60% boddy and 5% grounding I found this strain usefull to solve problems in the flow of your form. Try to walk your form unthill you have done this at least 4 times, then keep in this flow and mix up the different figures and make your own form.... every thime you find an interruption of the flow, this is a figure you should reconsidder in your normal practice, and find the flow by andjusting timing, focus, breathing or stature... this would be easy with the 60% boddy...


The use of Thai in Tai Chi and Qigong. Smoke a little bit; 0,05 grams 60% head, 30% boddy and 10% grounding. Smoke more: 0,10 + grams 20%, head, 20% boddy and 60% grounding. Little bit; I found this strain usefull to mindfulnes and counsiusness in the learningproces when you are allown. Your focus can be realy good in observing what you are do'ing... (not recomended for paranoid people) and help you further with the things you want to learn in your Tai Chi. If you like to do Still Qigong.. smoke a little bit more and you'll find yourshelff grounding like a three. Even standing in Whu Chi (starting stance) will ground you verry heavy.. go with the energyflow and feel relaxed and centered.


The use of K2 in Tai Chi ad Qigong. 65% head, 30% boddy and 5% grounding I found this strain usefull to solve problems in the mind. If you follow the mind from a distance, you'll find diferend voices. This is normal, don't panic The voice that makes the biggest problem at this moment is the one to focus on. Because of the 65% head this would be easy... to put them in the flow of the movements... 30% boddy... and push them out through your hands or feet. If you feel the “ẗhick fingers” you are on the right track.. keep pushing through with your mind... or even better with your breathe, don't push with your muscles.