
member since 2022

Recent Reviews3 total

Colombian Gold

An amazing strain for pain and get-up-and-go. Seductively good for pain so I'm very lucky my brother limits it to this time of year (I have tmjd agrivated by this weather) and can send anyone into a manic one if you smash it to hard, which is seductive particularly if you are in pain. May be one to miss if your a medical patient who hasn't got to a comfortable stage with being mildly constantly in your pain as it'll wear off and should be PRN for when your like "Da FUQ is this pain reasonable, I do need additional analgesia". But not sustainable long term for that purpose. When mastered what an amazing addition to your box and would buy if you see, if only a small amount and stash


Remarkable strain for memory disruption and sense of calm if that's what your looking for medicine wise. Was a little arrogant with dose and sent me a bit annoyingly sativa stoned, couldn't focus but ironcially could concentrate on TV. I have an annoying brain injury which means sometimes I get outwardly involved in my inner dialogue and this strain makes it a bit more fuzzy around the edges with a little couch lock means that less people feel jarred by it as I'm not walking around like a crazy person yabeting. Will make you hungry in a way you don't expect from a Sativa

Banana Kush

Love this strain for a Sunday morning blaze, don't expect to get anything to strenuous done, in need of good munch Relaxed but present and great tasting