Medical Marijuana Patients Network (MMPN)
No.1 unhygienic. They pass you a Nug under a thick window, like you are looking at a high security prison door and they are giving your plate of food. The nugs are being handled too much with hands and not with tongs. GROSS
A.The atmosphere: previously said prison door. lobby is also where the bud prison door is. People waiting get to stare at the back of your head while you touch the Flowers with your hands (gross!).
B. The prison door, lets little light to see the product they are selling behind the bullet proof? window. This Ridiculous window between bud tender/patient doesn't allow for patients to adequately look. The product is behind on the back wall and the lighting is terrible. Plus this makes it extremely difficult for patients who are in wheelchairs to pick out their medicine; they can't do it independently with the bud tender.
C. Budtender gave little knowledge and just kept smiling like an idiot.