Slym'n Sap Live Sauce 1g
A wonderful sticky golden sauce with a tart citrus sent. Even while chilled (36°f) the sauce remains smooth. I'd greatly recommend this sauce and will be keeping my eyes out for it. Below is the experience at both low and high temp.
At a low temp (350°f) the vapor is light on the the tongue. It slowly begins to taste sour before transforming into a cool citrus breeze in the exhale. An oceanic experience of mental fluidity washes through oneself. Meanwhile the sensorium of the body takes on the grace and relaxation of a big cat. Alert yet unstressed.
At higher temp (450°f) the flavor is similar though slightly more acidic. Limes not oranges. Balance and mobility are still dialed in grace. The cerebral experience continues to flow as an ocean current. Though now timespaces dilates slowing as a rainbowed spectrum pours forth from reality. Cold brew coffee melts into a smooth soft tang that softly compliments the sauce.