
member since 2021

Recent Reviews3 total

Crown Royale

My mouth produces so much got damn saliva when I do this it’s not even funny. I have to spit it out in the toilet because it’s too much to swallow. Which is actually on topic because got damn does this shit make you horny. Overall, I like it. It really helps with my anxiety and I overall can think much clearer. I’m hoping this will help with becoming a little more productive. It doesn’t wear me down like other indicas do but gives my brain a bit more energy than it’s had recently.

Lemon G

This is a strain that has been nothing but reliable. Like a friend that you don’t always hang out with but whenever you need his truck he’s there. The initial high is a very night and day difference coming from sober. Head high for sure. I decided to give this a try because of its majority THC count but also its significant CBD count at the same time which I have yet to find else ware. Both together give me the energy and creativity I need when taken in small hits, but also a very euphoric high that mellows me out when I use it like a Juul at night. Currently listening to Kiesuke Furuki. Japan knows how to jazz.

Black Widow

After roughly 10 minutes the high begins to roll in. It’s definitely something that changes my mood within an instant. I find myself much more relaxed. I was playing rocket league with my cousin and I just kept whiffing the ball but I promise you I was trying my very hardest. So every whiff I just laugh harder and harder until I’m on the floor busting out laughing. I then get off xbox and heat up a bbq chicken pizza from california pizza kitchen. I ate that entire mf... in one meal. Then woke up the next morning still hungry af. I’m gonna have to go to the store again soon. I’m running out of money.