
member since 2017

Recent Reviews5 total

Animal Face

Vape one hit of Animal Face. Feeling happy, bit euphoric, definitely stoned but able to think and definitely everything is good… strong but manageable I’m not a pro at this stuff. The first time I had it I’d had about 3 drinks and did 2 big vape hits and I was super head and body high stoned beyond belief. Like anything, do this one slow to start because it’s really potent… and if you go slow to start it’s potent in a really good way 😊😊

Space Guava

OK I had vape of this tonight and it’s happy and energetic and positive. I’ve had about 3 drinks tonight and inhaled 2 big puffs of Space Guava. Excellent and definitely recommend

Northern Lights

Amazing! I vaped one big hit and the effect was a nice gradual high that is happy and feels nice. Definitely recommend…. and I’m a casual vaped with a glass or two of wine.

Sour Diesel

I just vaped one hit of this 10 minutes ago. 5 minutes in I felt really happy. Now I'm listening to boring family stories but in total bliss. omg these stories are boring lol omg they won't stop. ok ttyl later, this is nice. wait I'm back this is cool. very lucid able to communicate wow I just came up with a super idea for my business. ok the idea will be implemented week after next. take care everyone! I'm hugging myself and the world and life and this is great.

Granddaddy Purple

I use this before I go to bed in vape format. If I take 2 hits my mood becomes really pleasant, slightly euphoric and relaxed. Often it makes me a bit giggly. On the downside... within a half an hour I am ready to binge on anything and everything there is to eat in the house! I actually have to make myself stop because it definitely triggers hunger. I find it particularly helpful for my anxiety... oh and sometimes it triggers my libido and I have to make myself orgasm 3 or 4 times just to get to sleep. And also sometimes it triggers my creativity for business ideas... so if you're like that, try to remember to keep a pen and paper at the bedside because you won't remember the great ideas in the morning (or take notes with your phone). It helps me go into a deep sleep too. One drawback: it gives me big time dry eyes but I always consider that the least concerning side effect.