
member since 2017

Recent Reviews7 total

Golden Goat

Doesn't do much for me, which is wild because I'm a lightweight and novice smoker. Maybe makes me a little relaxed mentally? An hour after I've smoked it I forget I even did because I don't feel a mental or body high. No negative side effects either. It's just...Perry the platypus. Without the secret agent double life.

Blueberry Muffin

Get stuff done! This is my 'chores and housework' weed and it makes me look forward to doing it. Even a small amount gives a great high that lasts at least a couple hours. Too potent to try to go out and run errands or be in public, but it gives me so much focus and energy that I start crossing stuff of my to-do list and cleaning up without feeling my usual depression and anxiety. I'm prone to migraines and some strains can trigger them but I've got no issues with any side effects here except maybe very mild munchies. 5 stars, must try!


I was looking for a replacement for the Chocolope that I had liked for its energy-giving properties (my local store was out) and Tangie was recommended to me. I actually bought the Rove vape pack with this included. This stuff is an energy drink in a puff! A couple good hits and I'm relaxed and energized. If I smoke regularly through the day or too much at night, I have a hard time sleeping. I get a moderate head high and slight body high which helps me function throughout the day while I use this. It smells and tastes like a lemon drop candy! I have to be careful to stay hydrated when I smoke this or else I start to develop a light headache, and if I smoke too much at night I end up with a "hangover" in the morning. My high also doesn't last as long as it has on other strains- I find it usually lasts an hour, 2 at absolute max, before I have to take a hit again. Very minimal dry eye, no dry mouth.

Blue Dream

Seeing all the glowing reviews on here, I almost feel like I'm reviewing some completely different strain. I went to pick up my go-to Chocolope and found my local dispensary was out, so I hastily agreed to an 1/8th of the Blue Dream. Wish I'd gone for the gram instead! I have to be careful to only smoke small amounts to enjoy this strain; if I take too big of a hit, I get a miserable headache that won't go away. It starts as a sudden head rush that comes in waves over the course of 5-10 minutes, then leaves me in a brain fog with too much energy to lounge around but a creeping headache that prevents me from doing much. I don't get any of the happy/relaxed feelings people report. I also get intense dry eye, and it makes them slightly red. Smoking in very small doses, however, I get a great burst of energy with almost no other side effects. But 9/10 it ends up being "too much", so I'm ready to give up on this stuff. I guess high THC just isn't for me?

Durban Poison

This strain is by far the most potent I've tried. This isn't one to take and be out in public, unlike some other sativa strands where I can get away with running errands on a buzz. I get a strong head high that makes me have to sit down and wait it out, but when it does subside I feel residual energy from it. I got a strong, nasty lemon-lime flavor from it that I assumed were diesel notes. I personally got a headache, dizziness, and my heart beat sped up significantly from a couple hits. I personally can't stand it- but it did wonders for my boyfriend. He gets great energy from this and doesn't mind the taste. He hasn't experienced the head rush I get. With this, he'll smoke and relax for 30 minutes to an hour afterwards. An hour or two later, he's got a ton of energy and it heightens his arousal. It's now our substitute for male enhancement products!


My first sativa strain, it's been great for getting things done around the house. I get a mostly clear headed high and it gives me enough energy to stay motivated through the day. It's not a huge burst of energy, but I've found if I take it a few times through the day, by the night time I have a hard time falling asleep! My high usually lasts 2-3 hours. Takes the edge off of my social anxiety, and it's mild enough not to betray my buzz to people around me. I will say I don't get a consistent high with this- most of the time I get a moderate buzz, but occasionally just one hit will give me a head rush of a high and I have to wait about 30 minutes for it to subside. Side effects are very mild- moderate dry eyes (no redness), no headaches or anything. My local dispensary has been out the past few weeks and I'm starting to miss it! Hard to find a strain that behaves similarly.

Death Star

My first, and favorite, strain. I was surprised to find out it has diesel notes in it, since I never taste them. I can't stand heavy diesel flavors and this hasn't bothered me at all. My go-to for relaxing, I always get a dependable and consistent even high. It dries my eyes out, but doesn't give me red eye. Very little dry mouth. Only downside, if I have even a tiny sip of alcohol when I smoke this, I wake up with a "hangover" fog.