
member since 2017

Recent Reviews8 total


This shit is crazy. You smoke it and you're like BAM sober. Viper gives you a last glance at everything for it takes it all away. Then you're fucked. You're not making sense. But no one knows you're yelling nonsense because they're yelling nonsense too. Your dog might be pooing and you're like stumbling forward pulling him out of the poo stance. That fucked.

Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner is some next level shit! The energy from this is unreal. First time I tried it, I couldn't sit still in my house and ended up taking my dog for 2 long walks. The effects are amazing. Powerful but surprisingly clear headed. Not fatigued or foggy. I could see this working wonders for people with depression or chronic fatigue. I woke up this morning with a pleasant afterglow almost like from MDMA. Really everything I look for in a sativa even though it's a hybrid. What an incredible strain!

BC Medi Chronic

Amazing dispensary. Quality of the product is top notch and even the packaging it came in was really nice. I ordered during their thanksgiving promotion and their bonus gift was beyond generous!! I can't believe how much high quality product and accessories were in the bonus package.

Red Congolese

One of the few Sativas I've tried that lives up to the "not for nighttime use". My mind like actually races on this and it's a tiny bit hard to get to sleep. Not a problem or anything but with most strains I'm out the second my head hurts the pillow so worth noting. The high from this is also intoxicating. I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner at all. It's almost overpowering. But a great strain for a party or for laughing you ass off with friends!

Granddaddy Purple

I usually stick almost completely with Sativas but picked up some GDP for more relaxing nights. The couch lock with this is REAL. The other night I came home late from work, put some food on, smoked a joint, and started watching a movie. When my food was ready, I seriously considered just letting it stay there and burn since I was so floored. I had to talk to myself out loud to get the energy to go the food. But for nights I just want to relax and head to bed early, this is the strain I go to!

Green Crack

My current favorite strain and still my go to if I'm heading to a party and just want to laugh my ass off. I think of the funniest things with this strain and also think everything is hilarious. I can definitely see why people associate this with creativity. I love being active with Green Crack too and even love simple things like walking my dog with a buddy just chatting and laughing. The dry mouth is real though but worth it!

Super Silver Haze

What impressed me the most about SSH is how little paranoia there was with this. My friends and I usually get a bit paranoid or sketched out in public but in this we we even hanging out in a casino and felt fine. Overall, this is an excellent energetic high with low levels of paranoia perfect for social events or being out in public. Really not much bad to say about this at all. You can see why this has won awards. One of my best friend's all time favorite strain.

Power Plant

I tried this strain and barely felt different at all smoking with my wife. Very mild high. A few weeks later, I shared a big joint with my friends - same thing, we thought it was a dud. Then we smoked a second and a third joint and I was high as fuck! Kept 100% forgetting what I was even talking about. Laughing my ass off about nonsense. My friends told me I talked continuously for 4.5 hours. I've noticed this again since. I need to smoke more of power plant than other strains but the high is super active and energetic. Great strain overall!