
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total


This is my GO-TO! This is one of about 7 commercially purchased strains I have tried and it is by far my favourite. No red eyes, panic or munchie frenzies. Consistently calming, a great muscle relaxant and sleep aid. The introverts strain, and a favourite of mine for a couple years now; I’m likely a Hindu Kush girl for life, I can’t imagine not having it on hand. Part of my bedtime ritual!

Blue Cheese

I have tried about 5 or 6 medical strains and this is my first review. After being a heavy, multi times daily recreational smoker in my youth, I’ve been a little standoffish with anything but high CBD to start. With depression anxiety & insomnia, I couldn’t afford any side effects of paranoia or being “high school baked”. This has given me calm and comfort and a full night’s rest like nothing else. It stops my racing anxious thoughts. I can only consume after my work day is done, but I’m hoping that starting this weekend I can spend more time with this strain and the great comfort it provides for me. Blue cheese is stinky AF but true to the name, like blue cheese, it’s a stink you love. 5/5 100% this is everything I hoped for with a marijuana scrip