
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

BC Cannabis Stores (Online)

Received my order in 2 days, that was nice. All 4 packages were underweight by 10%. Too too too much packaging. THC content not as advertised. They stated 20-23% and the package states 18%. Poor business model. It's just like a street dealer, he says it's Thai stick and it turns out to be shite stick. I am not ordering again. I will take my chances with the black market.

Pot Cargo

I just received my first order today Dec. 22 /17 and only placed it on the 19th, so I am impressed with the delivery timeline. The value for the edibles is comparable to walk in dispensaries that I visit, and the gummys were a better value. I still haven't sampled the cannabis, it seems to be good quality, tight buds, seems fresh, aromatic. Another review will follow after I've had time to check it out.