
member since 2023

Recent Reviews1 total

Super Silver Haze

This is my first time smoking weed that I know for certain is a sativa and its strain. I have had highs similar to this in the past, which have always been negative. At the time, living in the UK, the strain I would get would be random, and I would almost never have info on it. Smoking this, There was no proper body high, like I'm used to with Indica's, but there was complete focus on certain random things. My mind went into overdrive on several occasions in focusing on activities I would usually find boring. For example, writing this review. (Also, staring too long in the mirror, playing around with a bit of paper, reading certain words...). This proves that the focusing element of (at least this strain of) sativas is true. However, there were some negatives to it. It made my eyes dart all around and made my face in general feel very twitchy. A while after smoking it, I got a baddd case of dry mouth. (I did however manage to master typing with both hands) The whole high itself was shaded in a cloud of negative thoughts. Even though I could focus in the way I would expect to with adderall, it did make me end up spending a lot of time doing pointless things and wasting my time on small micro situations. I have had very similar highs before, that I think I can now go back and label as having been due to it being a sativa strain. I seem to now be able to confirm myself to be an indica fan and a sativa disliker. However, I don't suffer from anxiety. I know what I was smoking back then, used to be of great help in calming those who were suffering from anxiety disorders. It was always the times that I was smoking and found it unpleasant, that I would be smoking with them. So it is possible that sativas like this are good if you do have anxiety, and the opposite for those that don't. Pros, Focus Can get up and move Cons, Dry mouth Negative wave over all of the thoughts that come into my head, and a general sense of doom (anxiety?) Anxiety No relaxation or relaxing body high Twitchy Eyes darting