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Recent Reviews11 total

White CBG

White CBG Review: 16%CBG, 0.2%THC Bag Appeal: Mix of medium sized and centerfold jumbo sized, squishy nugs. A little dry and crumbly but also good and sticky. Super pale green, lovely brown/peach hairs, all dusted in milk white trichome. Mild but pleasant nose of sweet herb. Combustion: Smooth hitting, mild citrus notes under mostly flavorless but easy to take in smoke that hints at sweet floral, earthy, and herbal flavors but remains mostly indistinguishable. Surprisingly stinky for such nondescript flavor though as sweet skunk fills the space quickly and lingers a short while. Effects: Head up then neutral. Body up then down. Overall CBG effects are somewhere between CBD and THC, but also not exactly like either! Immediate (within 30 seconds) and significant dulling of physical pain with slight uplifting energy that settles pretty quickly over 10 minutes into a calm, relieved, focus. There is a definite clear minded change in conciousness with White CBG that is hard to describe, it feels more actively stoney than CBD, but also with softer intensity, if that makes any sense. It leaves me clear minded but my thoughts become vaguely amplified and speedy for a bit, like a sativa buzz with a crisp visual field and that classic "behind the eyes" sensation. I generally prefer indicas and usually find sativa leaning effects to be somewhat unpleasant but with White CBG these are short lived (10 minutes or less on average) and mild, so I really didnt mind them. The significant physical relief however lasts about an hour after five hits or so and is some very effective pain relieving medicine! It delivers a mellow and gentle relaxation/body buzz that makes lounging on my back so delicious while massaging away my aches and pains! In addition there is a subtle yet long lasting mood lift/anxiety relief that leaves me feeling mentally and spiritually healthy. Fixes my alcohol induced headaches immediately. Spent an entire day flooding my body with White CBG then switched over to Grandaddy Purple at night. Normally GDP puts me right to sleep but with a system full of CBG three hits sent me soaring into racy, weird, sativa effect outer space for about a hour...so be aware of your internal cannabinoid load! Pair a bowl of smoked White CBG with 10mg of oral CBD on a Sunday morning and youll melt satisfyingly right into the church pew like I did. Recommended Rx: Anytime of day pain relief, mental focus, relief from anxiety and depression, hangover remedy, pair with CBD or traditional strains for stronger effects. Overall: I avoided White CBG for a long time because I just couldnt find a lot of info regarding safety and side effects of concentrated doses of CBG and I just dont like being a lab rat! Im glad I finally gave her a fair shot, this lovely lady quickly cured my aching body and mental funk and has earned CBG flower a permanent place in my stash!

Kush Hemp

I have been making my own infused olive oil with 4 grams Lifter and 4 grams Kush Hemp in 1 cup olive oil, decarbed and infused in my Levo ii machine using the french press screen potency hack. Perfect for daily well being. I take 2 ml (9 mg CBD 0.6 mg THC) in the morning before work and around 4 ml (18 mg CBD and 1.2 mg THC) in the evening after dinner. Two ml keeps me mellow, uplifted, happy, relaxed and focused through the work day and 4 ml delivers a smooth wind down (with mad munchies) in the evening of happy chill energy and mood lift, anxiety relief, and physical relief, followed by deep restful sleep.


Remedy CBD Flower Review Bag appeal: Classic in both look and smell, cheese, sweet fruit, black pepper, and a bit of skunk and pine eminate from these fat medium green, medium density buds covered in rust colored trichomes and garnished with tufts of brown hairs. Remedy buds have all the right looks, feels, tastes, and smells that seasoned tokers appreciate! Combustion: Spicy black pepper, skunk, pine, and sweet hops fill the senses. The taste is mostly smooth but a little hot sometimes and the smoke is expansive and full feeling in the chest. Remedy fills the space with a familiar and distinct herbally sweet skunk odor that hangs around a pretty long while after smoking, it's deliciously enticing and a little loud. Effects: Head down. Body down. Pleasant numbness in the extremities hits first, followed by a pleasantly buzzy but clearheaded mood lift, anxiety relief, and sense of happily content well-being. A sensation behind the eyes follows quickly and then comes full body relaxation and loosened muscles. Hunger comes on fast too. A full bowl of Remedy at night sends me into a grinning, buzzy, clear headed sleep with deep physical and mental relaxion, uplifted mood, numbed aches and pains, and sweet anxiety relief....after satisfying those munchies of course. Overall: Remedy is a classic heavy hitting night time strain with classic effects that are highly recommended. One bowl is sweet relief, two bowls make a perfect invitation for sinking into a giggle inducing conversation or comedy movie with a sugary snack until sleep takes hold. Have some chocolate milk handy to help curb the munchies and the cottonmouth. All around good medicine for both body and mind! A perfect CBD bud and a fine clearheaded replacement for other more traditional strains. My Background: Over 20 years of delightful cannabis toking including over 1 year of cbd flower experience.


ACDC CBD Flower Review Bag Appeal: Dense, medium sized buds in a uniform middle-dark green, with tons of rust colored hairs and rust colored trichomes smelling of funky cheese, fruit, earth, and pine.  Combustion: Smooth, sweet sativa herb, with lots of skunk, pine, and spicy black pepper up front chased by subtle hints of black licorice, tropical fruit, and woody earth. Effects: Head up. Body balanced. 1 small bowl (5-10) hits gave noted pain relief in shoulders, chest, and back.  Soothing sensation behind the eyes and slightly numb extremities.  Mood lift/mild euphoria and anxiety relief. Distinct physical relaxation all over the body as every muscle loosens involuntarily.  Mildly dizzy head buzz with a strong uplifted sativa "party" energy that gently glides down into a soft, relaxing chill over 20 minutes or so. Initial effects might be overwhelming for novice cannabis users, so I recommend starting slow with just a few hits to see where you end up before ripping an entire bowl.  Physical and mental effects linger quietly in the background for about 90 minutes to 2 hours.  Overall: Suitable for both daytime and early evening use, pairs well with relaxing morning coffee as well as afternoon yard work and early evening grillouts. This was my daily go to bud every morning and afternoon until the entire bag was used up! Highly recommended! Will buy again soon! My background: Over 20 years of delightful cannabis toking including 1 year of cbd flower experience.

Special Sauce

Special Sauce CBD Flower Review Purchased from a local reputable head shop that sources cbd flower from North Carolina.  Packaged in a vacuum sealed mylar ziplock the entire 3.5 gram item was one singular giant bud!  Marked as 17% CBD. Bag Appeal: One massive bud, easily the second largest cannabis flower I have ever personally touched in my 40 years on this planet, it barely fit in the bag!  Medium density bud (huge but not heavy) made up of various dark and medium greens and a good dusting of rust colored trichomes and rust colored hairs.  Looks outdoor/sun grown.  Super sticky when touched, almost like a glue stick, no shortage of resin here! Smells of lemon grass, sweet black pepper/clove, and floral hops.  Combustion: Meh, like burning cannabis flower.  Its fine, not much else to be said. Vaped: Much like the smell, notes of sweet spice/clove, grassy black pepper, floral hops, sour fuel, and unfortunately more hay than I can ignore are most noticable. Tastes pretty typical of white label CBD flower in this blossoming phase of the industry.  Not terrible, but not great either. Flavor mellows and softens as the flower is vaped over a few minutes. Effects: It works like a balogna sandwich works for lunch.  It does its job, its maybe even mildly satisfying in some way, but meh, that meatball sub would've been way better.  For me special sauce is a bedtime strain and nothing else, it makes me very sleepy and mellow enough to want to curl up on the couch and not move, and all the while Special Sauce quietly does something  mild in the background to round out physical aches, pains, inflamation and yet, none of it is spectacularly apparent when compared to louder and more upfront strains like ACDC, Remedy or Suver Haze that can really get on top of you.  Sprinkles of physical relief come on top of two scoops of anxiety relief served on top of a giant clove flavored cake of plain ol' sleepy. Overall: I dont want to shortchange this flower and its usefullness, but its just not the raw flower experience I'm generally looking for.  It does make me sleepy for sure, that alone has real merit for me because I always have trouble sleeping.  Yet, the taste was just okay and the physical relief was effective but very subtle. Maybe some future child strains from this flower will have more mentally uplifting/mood enhancing properties and an improved flavor, until then I most likely will leave Special Sauce to the oil and extract manufacturers. My background: Over 20 years of delightful cannabis toking including 1 year of cbd flower experience.


Pineberry CBD Flower Review Bag appeal: Fat, thumb sized, solid, medium density nugs. Medium to dark green with golden yellow insides. Plenty of brown hairs and a generous coating of white trichomes. Super sticky like half dried glue when broken apart, the resin content cannot be overstated as chunks of Pineberry stick to everything while packing a bowl. Scented with floral herbs, pine, sweet fruit, and a little funk, all of moderate strength. Combustion: Greens hit with a floral sweetness and pine. Spicy black pepper follows as the bowl ashes over. Herbal flower, pine, and menthol persist on the exhale through most of the bowl. Solid throat hit feels a little hot throughout most of the bowl which I attribute to the combined menthol-like pine and spicy black pepper flavors. Effects: Head up. Body down. With one bowl the mostly sativa dominant Ringos Gift genetics attempt to shine through with a fast uplifting onset in the head. However, Pineberry stands apart from standard sativa dominant strains in that the caffeine-like buzz associated with sativas pushes through a veil of heavy indica feeling body stone, a trait apparently passed down from the Ringos Gift parent. Pineberry delivers a clear minded yet dizzy head buzz at first, then waves of heavy body relaxation and subtle mood lift quickly follow. Many CBD strains typically deliver effects that peak quickly, then gradually fade, but Pineberry delivers a smooth and level ride that soothes both body and mind evenly for several hours. Overall: All cannabis flower varies in intensity of effects from day to day, some days hitting you harder than others, but I found Pineberry to be especially unpredictable, some days barely feeling it, and one day feeling it so intensely that it was briefly overwhelming (granted that experience involved a very fat bowl consumed very quickly shortly after taking 35mg of cbd orally). That said, Pineberry is a quality bud that works effectively regardless of intensity and leaves me generally feeling pleasant when used in late afternoon or early evening as the heavier body effects do not lend well to my typical early morning needs. Pineberry certainly has a rightful place in the CBD market as it should help those seeking relief from depression, physical tension, and maybe despite the sativa inspired mental stimulation some relief from anxiety as well, and would serve well to enhance lazy afternoon or evening social events. As a final note, I find a lot of misinformation about this strain, mainly claims that Pineberry is indica dominant which it clearly is not after a brief peek at the overwhelmingly sativa leaning genetic lineage. It is clearly a sativa with some indica-like body effects. Harlequin (sativa) x Sour Tsunami(sativa) = Harle-Tsu Harle-Tsu (sativa) x ACDC (sativa) = Ringos Gift Ringos Gift (sativa) x Early Resin Berry (likely hybrid) = Pineberry

Cherry Wine

Cherry wine I purchased this Cherry Wine online from a reputable cbd company whos full spectrum oil I have enjoyed in the past. Bought a quarter ounce, packaged in a plastic jar with a child proof lid and boveda pack inside.  Lab results on the website claim 15% cbd, 0.5% cbg and 0.6% thc while keeping delta 9 far under the legal hemp limit. Bag Appeal: The cheap plastic jar bothers me but the buds look decent. Mostly dark green medium size buds with a few smalls thrown in, all with really good amounts of rust colored trichomes and a few rust colored hairs.  The flowers are a little loose as typical of outdoor/sun grown bud. Buds are nice and sticky to the touch.  Good quality looks and feel! Smells of pungent sour cheese and sweet fruit and enough fuel to mean business!  I find myself sometimes opening that jar throughout the day just to smell it!   Combustion: When smoked Cherry Wine hits with mildly sweet dark stone fruit paired with complex variations of sour and peppery hops.  When vaped it hits with sour black pepper, hops, and very subtle hints of dark stone fruit and grass that turns toward sweet cigar tobacco, sour berry, and carmel as the bud vapes dry.  I am always skeptical of names like "cherry" but there were a few puffs that really did carry a strong distinct black cherry flavor! Effects: Hits in the head immediately with an easy to smile, sink into the couch sort of mild buzzing/rocking/relaxed sensation, and positive waves push baseline anxiety away!  A smile is just waiting to spread across my face and my aching body is soothed as pain fades.  Cherry Wine generally lets me feel relaxed and warm with mild tingling in my extremities. Im relaxed yet alert, not sedated or tired, a very balanced and creative type of chill! Overall: So far Im way more impressed with this Cherry Wine than I expected to be. Whenever I found myself unsure of what strain I was in the mood for Cherry Wine was always a safe choice for late afternoon/early evening socializtion yet still able to chill and unwind. My background: Over 20 years of delightful cannabis toking including 1 year of cbd flower experience.

Suver Haze

Suver Haze CBD Flower Review Bag Appeal: Skinny, thumb sized buds of a uniform pale green, bursting with brown hairs and nicely frosted with white trichomes. Smells like sugar coated black pepper, herbs and a little pine. Medium density, squishy, and extremely sticky when broken up, pieces of broken bud stick to everything foreshadowing quality and potency. Combustion: Big flowery flavors hitting greens, then strong, spicy black pepper with scattered moments of sugary clove and sandalwood. Mostly smooth smoke that is expansive in the chest with a consistently solid throat hit from the spicy pepper and fragrant wood flavors. Coughing became routine with this strain and sometimes a little sting in the sinuses as well. Effects: Head down. Body down. Instant relaxation begins after just two or three hits. Lower doses give mild yet pleasant relief from physical tension and a softly dizzy head buzz that gently eases anxiety. General chill in both body and mind with a little hint of mood lift lasting about 90 minutes. Higher doses are surprisingly stoney, delivering an initial blast of sativa coffee-like energy and "behind the eyes" headspace for roughly 20 minutes. But then that fat bowl of Suver Haze you smoked 20 minutes ago drops you off a cliff into dreamland and knocks you out for a few hours. Save it for bedtime and middle of the night insomnia. Overall: Despite the sativa genetics Suver Haze is better for unwinding in the evening as it hits overall with a heavy couchlock sedative body stone. This bud was very helpful in easing anxiety and insomnia. However, I personally find the hot black pepper flavor is overwhelming at times and causes some hot throat hits and coughing yet the effects were so good that I kept coming back for more! Be aware that two bowls of this a few hours apart one Saturday morning with an oral dose of 40 mg sublingual cbd taken between them really sent me to go lay down for pretty much an entire Saturday, so newbies should go slow with this one. My background: Over 20 years of delightful cannabis toking including 1 year of cbd flower experience.


Lifter CBD Flower from Aspen Valley, sourced from a local head shop. Sampled both from a portable dry herb vaporizor and from a clean glass bowl as noted below. Short puff version: Looks: Tight structure, bright green, bits of faint dark purple, dusting of white trichomes and clumps of orange brown pistils. Smell: Common but pleasant, skunky funky pine that sticks around a long time. Taste: Acceptable, floral, pine, burnt coffee. Effects: Strongly relaxing and pleasantly uplifting, loosens the body and relieves the mind. Sativa energy buzz. Dry mouth and eyes with some munchies. Short duration. Overall: Keep a glass of water handy and a window open. Quality is good. Probably will keep a stock for daytime use around the house. Long rip version: Appearance: Tight and medium density buds are an inviting bright frosty green, with a few scattered hints of dark purple and a decent dusting of trichomes. Tons of orange brown hairs balance the green. The Lifter buds I recieved are small to medium in size but quality in growth and trim is evident. Moderately sticky and squishy they showcase solid genetics and a good but slightly dry cure. The contents of the jar look like a heavy 3.5 grams with a mix of smalls and a few medium nugs, I feel like I got some extra goodies, but I didn't check weight. Smell: Bag/Jar: Popping open the wooden lid from the glass jar, Lifter smells very subtle and soft, deep inhalations find herbal aroma, with pine that dominates over mint and tropical fruit. Fuel and earthy funk follow. More minty fruit and fuel is evident when buds are cracked. Lifter's appetizing scent is a welcome change from the hoppy/woody cbd flowers I've had in the past. It's not the loudest flower, the smell is familiar, subtle yet sharp, but it's quality is evident and the aroma is satisfying enough in both strength and quality. The jar with the wooden lid from Aspen Valley was not smell proof however, not even close, I could smell the contents while the jar was closed and the single 3.5 gram jar leaking was enough to fill the interior of my car with hempy pine and mint within 45 minutes. Vaporizor: little to no smell but I question the quality of my vape. Glass bowl: Skunk fans rejoice! When smoked this Lifter skunked up my 2 car garage for well over a half hour with just 5 hits! Skunky sweet sativa won't go unnoticed by anyone catching a sniff, it's pungent and unmistakably familiar and boy does it linger awhile! It's primarily skunk cloud is accented with a little coffee and sweet grassy fuel. Not discreet! Burning releases a potent skunk that sticks! Taste: Vaporizor: (392 and 410F) Wow! Lifter's delicious pine and a surprising sweet bubblegum grab me right away followed closely by mint and sweet and sour tropical fruit. Undertones of earth and sandalwood hang on the finish. I like it so much! Very tasty! It makes me want to keep puffing the vape just to taste it again! Glass bowl: It's mind blowing how different the flavors are when smoked vs vaped! Powerfully floral, with sour fruit, woody pine, and intermittent sips of fuel, all layed over some prevailant astringent roast coffee/ dark chocolate undertones. Not my favorite flavor combinations in a bud but it was acceptable and the smoke was smooth so it was easy to take 5 hits or so in a row without any coughing or harsh throat hit. Effects: Vaporizor: (392 and 410F) It could be the questionable quality of my dry herb vape, but Lifter flower is somewhat understated when vaped, the effects take a few minutes to creep in. I noticed some brief and mild physical relaxation, with a very mild barely noticeable numbing body feel in my extremities. This bud hits mostly in the head with an uplifting sense of clear calm and happiness, a little bit of a dizzy head buzz, and enough sativa energy that I would label this as daytime use. Effects seem short-lived so I'm underwhelmed yet acceptably satisfied. This vaporized Lifter is good for a mood lift but probably less useful for someone seeking physical relief. Glass bowl: Wow that's nice! This is Lifter's spotlight! Full effects hit in 3-5 minutes and land mostly in the head with some noted physical relaxation/loosening and faint numbing effects. Lifter feels very familiar, like an old friend. I feel my head swimming pleasantly with a happy and uplifted yet very clear buzz. I'm calm, clear, focused yet chill and feeling content to just lounge, but with a nice dose of familiar sativa energy in my chest. Mild appetite stimulation inconsistently appears, these munchies can be ignored fairly easily. Cotton mouth is annoyingly significant and increases with dosage and my eyes feel a little dry/red too. Again this bud is probably good for a daytime mood lift or a social event in the evening, I've enjoyed it first thing in the morning paired with coffee as well. Overall: Quality bud! I find myself reaching for Lifter more than my other buds until I need sleep. I can see Lifter becoming an all day, getting stuff done at home, staple in my routine...well, as long as I have a glass of water and nobody can smell what I'm doing.

Sour Space Candy

Sourced from a local headshop which stocks it from Asheville NC. Sealed in mylar and clearly labeled. Sampled from clean glass. My overall impression is that this is definitely a top shelf flower and probably one of my favorite cannabis strains ever. As I type this review Sour Space Candy has me relaxed on my couch, mellow, slightly sleepy, and enjoying a mild buzzing sensation throughout my body, especially my lower extremeties around my ankles, toes, and knees which are tingling with a pulsing cool numbness. My head is swimming in a slightly dizzy, happy and uplifting, yet perfectly clear headed buzz. I don't want to move as couchlock and sedation grabs hold. Mild appetite stimulation teases my desire for a snack. Effects creep in around five minutes after smoking, not a long creeper, but long enough that you start wondering if you got enough, then it hits you pretty hard, first in the head, face and eyes, then spreading to the extremities! 10 minutes after 5 deep, chest expanding hits I'm already looking forward to smoking a bit more...but not until later as I find I'm glued to the couch and satisfyingly numb and heavy feeling. Pain and tension in my knees and legs dissolves away to a dull barely noticeable twinge. Numbness and dizzy buzzing still prevail. 20 minutes in I take 2 more big hits and my lips, cheeks, nose, and hips ramp up the numb tingling fun. My head is heavy and dizzy, my eyes droopy. I have to lay down. I feel heavy yet floaty like I'm a lump of pure gravity suspended in liquid, there is some sensation of pressure around my head and behind my eyes, but not unpleasant. My hunger intensifies as any doubts of a placebo effect dissolve, this stuff is good! I notice a bit of cottonmouth and dry eyes. I find myself looking forward to sharing Sour Space Candy with a friend in the future and I feel very lifted! 30 minutes in I take one more big rip. My body tingles with soothing pulses as I sink back into the couch, I don't want to move. My head is very buzzy, dizzy, and creative thoughts spin around with ease, but my thoughts are clear yet easily distracted. I can conjour music playing in my head by thinking of a song and it's almost like listening to a radio, easily forgetting it's not really playing. Strong sedation makes me feel slow and carefree. I'm starving. I can imagine this being too much for beginners to handle, it's a strong experience, I won't smoke anymore until this wears off a little bit. Sandalwood, spice, and floral, notes are most apparent up front followed by minor citrus, and sour fruit flavors on both inhale and exhale. Less prevailant and less consistent notes of chocolate and pipe tobacco present themselves at odd intervals. Flavor dulls and dwindles as the bowl ashes over. Oddly the flavors seem to change at random as I draw each hit, sometimes changing mid hit. This is a very pleasant and Willy Wonka like psychedelia tasting smoke. The burning smell is generally hempy and smokey, nothing outstanding or noticeably loud, it smells generically like burning cannabis. Bag appeal is an odd mix of killer smell and somewhat disappointing appearance. Opening a few grams of this is pretty loud, briefly filling a small space with sour, citrus, pine, mint, fuel, and hops smells. The smell is absolutely mouth watering delicious. Yet visually the buds are mids with some uniform medium green speckled with clumps of brown hairs and light dusting of trichomes, I can only imagine this is standard for outdoor mass produced hemp flower. Buds are somewhat sticky and reasonably dense. They are a little soft and fluffy but again it appears to be mass produced outdoor flower. Really who cares what they look like though, they have everything that counts in taste, smell, and effects. Overall this is something I'll certainly keep on hand for a sleepy, nightime smoke. It's surprisingly heady for a cbd hemp flower, clear headed but very buzzy and dizzy and uplifting! I would not recommend this for daytime use as the couchlock is about as extreme as can be and paired with shocking numbness that can leave you feeling detached from your own body, it's not going to let you get a single thing done for an hour or so. On the other hand, it's perfect for ending the day on the couch or patio.