Sour Diesel
My back is sore from a car accident a few days ago, so I am medicating mostly to ease discomfort/pain. Sour Diesel is much more mentally stimulating than other strains that I've been medicating with during this incident, which is nice because I'm getting bored sitting around...since I have to be off my feet. Pain has gone down/nice mental buzz too. Feeling a much stronger mental buzz than other strains I've been medicating with lately. I normally would not smoke this strain right before bed because it can be pretty energizing, but I have tomorrow off so I'm enjoying it. Also, I find this strain pretty intoxicating. Sometimes sour diesel gets my mind to have creative thought after thought in such a manner as to exhaust me, so it really is not so bad for sleep. Lastly, due to the intoxicating high sour diesel gives me, I prefer to smoke it ideally on a weekend morning where I might have to do some chores/errands/work but not a full 8-12 hour day or anything like that. Even better would be to go burn sour diesel on a hike on a cool, crisp day. 9/10