
member since 2019

Recent Reviews6 total

Gelato #33

Officially my favorite strain. I waited for several uses spread out over time to make this assertion. I currently have 21 strains for sale and while Gelato33 is *my* favorite, it's not everyone's. So here's what I've noticed: If you ride the balance between technical and creative, but struggle to focus enough to truly harness the power of both, this is for you. It seems to wash away the anxiety and allow you to access all of your brain. If you've been struggling to solve a complex problem (maybe writing an algorithm or designing architecture), this will help you break through. I've confirmed this with other people with similar goals. I've had the most profound and sometimes straight up spiritual experiences with this (and I'm not religious).

Grease Monkey

I think I might like to be in an art gallery right now. A comfy one with gold lighting and soft jazz. Lot's of pillows on the floor. In fact, some of the art you can only see while lying or sitting down.

Lumpy Space Princess

Takes you back to the childlike state of loving life and feeling no obligations be anywhere besides where you are right now. You'll feel appreciative of all you have even if it's not much.

White Widow

Definitely not going to fall asleep with this one. Went through a serious giggle phase. Then got focused, but not on what I wanted to. Data analysis was the goal, but instead I stared into space and invented a human runner that could make you be able to run / jump / soar over a trail like you're in a video game. It's going to be epic.


Stimulating / Creative / Focused. Overall, I recommend for an evening study or creative session where you know you won't be interrupted. This strain has more psychedelic effects than other ones I have been smoking. It starts with a little paranoia (I always think someone is about to come knock on my door and I will get interrupted in what I'm focusing on and won't be able to talk to them coherently - so I hide upstairs), but when the paranoia passes and I reign in the sensory stimuli, I can be VERY focused. I have been using it to dive into slightly more complicated areas (math / algorithms). It feels like it takes me a long time to get through the material, but at least I can understand it when I do. At the end of it, it's definitely sleep time. I have ADD and anxiety so when I want to focus on anything I need something like Trainwreck that gets me out of my own way by untethering me for a little bit.

Mandarin Cookies

I'm reviewing this strain because it has one really interesting effect on me. Right after I smoke it, about 5 minutes in, I get this intense wave of insecurity. I immediately run through all the things I've said or done that day and think how "weird" I must seem to everyone. That's not something I've felt with other strains. I have been alternating over the last couple weeks with several different strains and each time I come back to this one, exact same effect. It wears off into a more normal high within about 15 minutes.