
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total

Black Afghan

I purchased a 10.5gm. Popcorn Bud of this strain and was again disappointed! Looks like very good looking but when smoked, it was very harsh and ash burns black telling Me that it wasn't leeched properly, so nutrient heavy!! High quality just wasn't there like Black Afghan in past! Not a heavy high this batch. Don't recommend the popcorn Bud of this. Probably best ta get premium jar of Black Afghan and be totally satisfied...Peace ta all Stoners...

Mag Landrace

Well I just purchased this, one of Me go to strains and I have ta say I'm more than disappointed in Illinois Bud lately! The Bud seems ta gone down hill lately! Stop putting Bud in jars and start growing it the right way! THC isn't everything, terpenes have so much ta do with high and affects on mind, body and possibly soul. If yer that much into it!? Haha. Been gettin high fer 54yrs now and miss the good old Bud of yesterday's. Can't believe prices in Illinois! Colorado Bud 1/3 the cost and waiting fer Illinois ta catch up. Everybody Must Get Stoned!! Peace...