
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total

Tora Bora

Picked up an eighth at CBD 6.8%/THC 5.6%. Don't be fooled by these stats into thinking this is a lightweight. No, sir. You don't have to go to sleep right now, but you sure as hell aren't leaving the house after smoking this strain. I'm sedated but not stoned, exactly... Don't ask me to "think fast" because if you toss something at me I'm just gonna watch it hit me, lmao. I think my body is taking a nap without me. My arms feel 15 lbs heavier! But I gotta say, ALL of my spine pain (I'm held together by screws and rods) and resultant nerve pain in my leg is gone. Super potent medicine. Just don't underestimate this strain. It packs a wallop of a punch. Oh and it tastes like chai steeped in earth and pine. Very smooth smoke; I'd like to vape it.

Tora Bora

Holy moly, y'all. This one changed everything I thought I knew about CBD indicas. Picked up an eighth at CBD 6.8% THC 5.6%. No big deal, I thought. It'll help with my pain a little, I thought. No head high with those percentages and that ratio, I thought. WRONG. Within 2 minutes of perhaps toking a little too much of this stuff I was in awe. You should see my heavy-as-lead noodle arms trying write this review out. It's ridiculous. If someone tossed My keys at me I'd react far too slowly to catch them. My lower ribcage is heavy like my torso decided to take a nap without me. It's pretty funny. I'm sedated but not overtly sleepy. But guess what guys... my spine pain (I'm basically held together with screws and rods) and resultant nerve pain in my legs are gone. It didn't just take the edge off... I just don't feel anything lmao. *Extremely* potent medicine. Take it easy, don't let the stats fool you. You don't have to go bed yet... but you're not going anywhere else, you know? I need to rest my arms now.

Pre-98 Bubba Kush

This is hands-down one of my favorite strains. I don't like to get too spaced out but getting a little ethereal never hurts, and this little baby gets you there. Increased sociability, decreased anxiety, and a slight inclination toward the giggles... but for me, an active lady with 2 rods and a fistful of screws in her spine, this is really an incredible pain reliever that doesn't slow you down. Helpful for muscle spasms, nerve pain, and bone pain. I think this would be great for toothaches actually! The only downside is some pretty annoying dry mouth, but I have yet to personally experience a strain that doesn't cause this for me. No munchies though. Just a straightforward little buzz with big body benefits. Not my fave for daytime (it makes me a little too foggy), and wouldn't be my first choice for insomnia (not a super sedative), but great for those magic hours in-between - and weekends!