
member since 2017

Recent Reviews4 total

White Buffalo

Wow. NEW FAVORITE. I'm so glad my local courier (mellow -- for Oakland and the east bay, along with cosmic courier) gave me a heads up on the rarity of this. As a sativa-loving gal, this one is ideal! I was kicking it with a homegirl yesterday and she would never have known I was even high unless she saw me micro-dose a few hits every now and then. (I'm a careful weed-imbiber, and take smaller hits along with plenty of CBD and edibles in small doses.) This sacred buffalo (a symbol too powerful to ever be appropriated by anyone) allowed me to puff lightly for hours, have productive, meaningful talks, get WORK DONE (oh HELL YES) and feel good in my body until I fell into a wonderful, nourishing and restful sleep. Made me feel social AND also happy when I'm by myself. WIN-WIN. Mind stays clear and body feels GREAT (excellent to get you in the mood, whether you are solo or enjoying the company of another/others!). ;)

Whitewalker OG

As a strategic (somewhat cautious) enjoyer of indicas, for which I have great respect, this is a new go-to. I'm more of a sativa gal overall, although I'm a fan of nice hybrids (that swing both ways) and certain indicas (Romulan being one of them). This is a very nice wavelength to hop onto! Nice enough to make me want to write a review, which is rare. Uplifted, body-buzzin', not sleepy but I can see that if I put myself in that position, I could melt quite blissfully into my bed and body. :) Nice for feeling enough energy to take care of what needs taking care of AND feeling good in your body. Muscles loosened and I feel nice and grounded (tingling fingers and toes - signs of grounding into that sweet root chakra) ;)


So, as a Bay Area lady who recently decided to try weed again as an alternative to anti-anxiety or pain meds, this one caught my eye. It sounded too good to be true. I'm someone who is pretty resilient in general, so when a time of anxiety and depression hit me recently for a couple weeks, I was really looking into medical marijuana and the amazing research - it's so scientific now and I can choose which high! And friends, this strain lives up to its reputation. If you allow it, it will help you dance alone in your room (or in public!) and just feel your own bliss. If you interact with others, they'll likely think, "Well they're in a good mood and smiling so much!" And then they'll go onto their own lives. Productive, sunny, body and mental euphoria don't feel out of control but are manageable! I seriously didn't smoke for 10+ years out of fear of the insecurity and paranoia it eventually brought up in me, so for me to write a review, it's saying something. (It is like xanax, valium, klonnis, some light opiates in low doses! chill but you can be productive if you don't overdo it!).


As a relatively new vaporizing gal, every strain is new to me! I was looking for an indica to help me sleep, and this is good for knocking me out. I wouldn't say it creates euphoria so much as thoughtfulness and sleepiness....I found granddaddy and romulan preferential but good if you want to go to sleep without pain.