
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total

Dr. Who

My absolutely favourite strain for psychological relief. At a 60-40 Sativa dominant, this strain is a little bit energizing, so be wary about taking it close to bedtime if you have trouble getting to sleep. (I usually mix Dr. Who with Canna-Tsu in the evenings so I'm not too wired.) This strain really works wonders for my depression and I always make sure to try and have some on hand in case I fall into a funk. It might not always fix my problems, but it certainly makes me feel a lot better about them! It's great for people who are sad, down, or otherwise grappling with depression symptoms, but doesn't help much for physical aches and pains. It's a good strain for psychological troubles (especially depression and related conditions), but I wouldn't advise it for physical (unless you're pairing it with something like Canna-Tsu, which I definitely recommend for chronic pain sufferers!) The vapor smoke is fairly mild, and it's kind on this asthmatic's lungs, so I'd encourage anyone with breathing troubles to try this strain if they have a vaporizer (since I don't truly smoke it, I can't make a recommendation for non-vaporizing.) Do be warned: There is a reason they call this Dr. Who! I generally feel remarkably "Timey-Wimey" within three to eight minutes of vaporizing. You might feel a little dizzy, or otherwise 'loose' and time dilation is a definite possibility, especially if you're more sensitive to highs.


My absolute go-to for pain relief and insomnia. Due to this strain's incredibly high CBD content (9-12%) and low THC content (6-9%), it's an effective source of pain relief and relief from muscle spasms without many psychological effects. In fact, when I vaporize, I don't notice any psychological effects other than being a little more relaxed and less agitated. This strain is definitely ideal for newer people who might not be used to the effects of THC yet, as it will build up enough of a tolerance to graduate into the medium and higher THC strains. Because there isn't a strong psychological effect, I can vaporize this when waking up in the morning (bad pain getting out of bed), and can take it before I need to run errands or otherwise might be sitting stiff in a car for a long time. It's great for on-the-go pain relief in the form of oil capsules as well. Definitely would recommend this for people who primarily need pain relief and relief from muscle spasms. If you're looking for recreational use, or otherwise need the psychological effects, this is probably not a good strain because of the low THC content. It really is a more physical effect than mental. However, combining this with a high-THC strain (my favorite is Jenny's Kush or Blueberry Diesel) allows for a good balance of psychological effect and pain relief. Please be warned that this strain smokes up a LOT! If you have troubles with asthma, breathing difficulties, or cough/irritate your throat easily, please use caution when smoking or vaporizing Canna-Tsu. I use a vaporizer and I end up with a mouth full of rather thick smoke (and I use my vaporizer on a low enough heat setting that I get warmer 'haze', but usually not straight-up smoke.)

Jenny Kush

Jenny Kush is absolutely fantastic! I use it mostly in the early and mid evenings to ease my mind when I start getting stressed, and it calms me down perfectly. It's relaxing without being sedating, and still allows one's mind to function in an effective manner as well as giving a boost to creativity. It's this writer's go-to for those long bouts of evening writing and research. It's really a panacea for my psychological issues, as I've used it to calm panic attacks, assist in sleep, keep depression-related thoughts at bay, and to cope through stressful tasks. Due to its high CBD content for its THC content (at my local dispensary, Bloom Phoenix, their Jenny Kush has a 21-24% THC and 1.2-1.6% CBD content), this strain also relieves both musculoskeletal and neropathic pain remarkably well. Although if you're only seeking pain relief without any psychological effect, I wouldn't use this strain, as the high THC content will give psychological effects to all but those with absurdly high THC tolerances. It doesn't hit quite as hard as, say, Blueberry Diesal, but it's a more gentle, gradual effect that starts out small, but within about 5-15 minutes (depending on how much you've had to eat), it will peak and last for a decent amount of time. (I generally feel psychological effects for about two hours and pain relief for three when I vaporize.) I don't notice any distinct behaviour changes when I vaporize, so this is something I can vaporize in the morning an hour before I need to leave the house, and still be completely cognizant enough to go about my day. That might not be the case for others, so exercise caution! A little bit of background: I consume medicinally to treat both chronic musculoskeletal pain and a myriad of psychological issues (depression NOS, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, PTSD, autism). So please note that this review is told by a medicinal angle and not a recreational one-- basically I'm not the best source on how the high is.