
member since 2021

Recent Reviews5 total


True Haze is like eating magic mushrooms. It's the perfect strain. Mind warping, visual warping, body numbing, paranoia inducing classic weed. The smell is woody and acidic rain carrots, with a fizzy and slightly citrusy backend. The buds are wispy, NOT AT ALL LIKE THESE FAKE, OG BUDS PICTURED. I've come to the conclusion most of these reviewers have never had real Haze, as they are mostly all buying from dispensaries. Dispos don't grow Haze. It takes too long, and looks like nothing at all. Whatever these dispo fools are smoking isn't Haze if it looks like a chunked out OG bud. That's the problem with sites like this. They allow reviews from dispensary flower, and 90% of all dispensaries sell fraudulent strains... not just Haze, but all types of flower. They buy clones or seeds from random sources and just call it whatever, and most buyers are too ignorant or unfamiliar with the strain to realize they are being lied too. Haze is the unicorn of marijuana, so finding true Haze is difficult if you don't know anything, but dispensaries definitely don't have it.

Purple Haze

I don't know who writes these descriptions, but they are fairly inaccurate a lot of the time. First off, the purple haze hendrix sung about was a brand of acid, not weed. Second, 90% of the people who claim to have "Purple Haze", only have mixed sativa/indica hybrids that turn purple, most of which contain zero haze genetics. Haze was only ever commercially produced through the long gone sacred seed co, and the few breeders who were gifted seeds or cuts via skunkman, (the man who brought it to europe from California in the 80's). Everything else is fake, period. And no real pure haze has bulky, chunky buds. The buds are ALWAYS wispy and almost non-existent. You literally cannot trim them like the dispensary pictures. If it's got golfball buds, that ain't haze.

Cherry Blossom

Isn't this just Bodhi's Sakura? All these people buying seeds then trying to rename shit... it's shameful.

Colombian Gold

Great strain. .... but all these pics of chunky trimmed nuggets are not colombian anything. I don't know where these people come off, but colombian gold is so damn airy that you could never trim it like that... you wouldn't have anything left! Don't know who's putting up these pictures, but none of them are pure colombians. Not skunky either... cg is like incense, spicy wood, piss, jet fuel, and potatoes and carrots sauteed in olive oil. Sometimes a touch of lime is in Colombians, but that's more common in the south-east near brazil, or the northern jungle bridge into panama.

Mag Landrace

It's a good strain, but it absolutely is NOT an Iranian Landrace. I lived in Iran for years, I've grown a variety of true landraces, and none fill out that much. Whatever it is, is a hybrid. Not knocking the strain, just knocking the sales pitch.