For me, this strain produced a euphoric, understanding, giggly high. Everything is amazing around me and beautiful and has its place in the world and love and all together, love! My favorite brain filter for moving items around from one room to another in my home. However, after a couple of nights of searing ear pain from inflamed eustachian tubes, I began to realize that I am fairly allergic to this strain. Because of the euphoric effect, I was having a hard time realizing the mild allergic reactions I was having. In addition to the aforementioned effect, my eyes were itching, watering, and running. My lips were swelling and itchy, and my face was slightly itchy and tingling. Oh, yes, and I was dizzy occasionally.
All this summing up to, if I were not allergic to this strain, this would be a pretty awesome one.
P.S. I've never had any other plant allergies, only skin allergies to detergents, soaps, and dyes.