
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total


Well I don't know if I'm just THC sensitive, but the smallest pinner I rolled to sample this pretty much incapacitated me. I had little choice but to lay back and allow the high to do its thing. As long as I was able to keep my train of thought away from concerning topics, the experience was fine. Intense.

Charlotte's Web

The 5 star rating is in direct relation to what i was after. I'm a paramedic and had sustained a moderate neck injury that still affects me despite a few years passing. I also have to navigate some serious bouts of anxiety and sleep-onset insomnia. As you can imagine I need to be able to function through (at times) gruesome calls over a 12 + hour period. Charlotte's Web fulfilled all of my needs. Solid pain relief and a noticeable calming surprised me while I waited for it to kick in. I was entirely without the traditional "cerebral high" associated with marijuana. It was as if the machine rotors of my mind slowed as well, for I was able to attain sleep without the typical struggle. To all those now starting the process of acquiring CBD relief: welcome to feeling human again.