
member since 2021

Recent Reviews2 total

Double Tangie Banana

I have had my medical card for roughly 5 months and this is the best strain I have tried thus far. I didn't "dab connoisseur", but I have tried a fair bit and this is my soul strain. I cooked dinner and while doing that I did the dishes without even realizing it they were done. All the while I was babbling like a brook to my brother. I have severe anxiety and depression along with a rare foot condition that effects enough people that they know about it but not enough to do any research. I spend most of my days stretching my facia and trying to knead the balls of scar tissue out of them, but this strain is allowing me to walk without pain for the first time in a long time. Dry mouth is a real thing with this nanner nugget of yum, but that can be rectified by staying hydrated. I am feeling a nice mellow head high while feeling as if I took an adderall, I have ADHD so that means I can focus. The doctor will not prescribe me amphetamines and Wellbutrin gives me seizures, so this is a miracle. I normally try a couple different strains to see if they will help with my mental and physical ailments, but this is an all rounder that I can enjoy life with again. I am so grateful for how far this field has come and I love the direction it is headed. While typing this review on my phone a fox 🦊 ran past me in my back yard, feet from me. The lil fellow was as shocked as I was when it rounded the corner and saw me 😳😲😳, I am taking that as a Ghost of Tsushima style sign that this should be my strain of choice for the time being.

Kosher Tangie

I used my nectar collector and took one dab about 10 minutes ago. The hit was citrus followed by a pungent flavor that I can't quite describe yet I associate it with STRONG sativa's. The hit expanded in my lungs a decent bit, but I wasn't hacking afterwards. I coughed a tad bit, but it didn't turn into a fit. As for the feeling, as the hit started to react in my brain there was a slight tingle at the base of my head followed by a positive outlook as to my current situation. I also find that I do not want to be around people that want to harsh their surroundings mellow. I feel creative, and a drive to get things accomplished.