
member since 2020

Recent Reviews6 total

Black Raspberry

It’s not a STRAIN it’s a tincture, idk why all the reviews are about some goji berry flower or some kind of flower . !!!This is a CBN+thc tincture !!! By avexia/verano It has WAY too much ethanal in it tastes like pure alcohol gave me kidney stones and problems so bad will never take again

Grape Stomper

Purple elephant + Chemdawg sour deisel Sour grapes , grape stomper , grape bubblicious —- whatever you wanna call it as long as it’s from GTI’s rhythm collection it’s AMAZING!!! if you like Jenny(fruity antidepressant hybrid ) you’ll love her speedy sister Grape Stomper I say sister not because they’re directly related in lineage enoght to be sisters but because the Terpene profiles and effects are extremely similar(with exception for grape notes) And genetically they are cousins sharing similar and they Nepalese, Hawaiian/ Polynesian mango/passion fruit vibes. This strain is extremely anti-depressant and uplifting euphoric Tastes actually like a mix of strawberry bubblicious gum from your childhood mixed with grape pez type candy Because if it’s grape name not too many people are talking about it’s lemon or strawberry notes Basically imagine that pack of pez with the three different flavors all eaten together (strawberry, grape , and lemon candy ) that’s what you get it’s SO SWEEEET🤤 The high is definitely sativa dom but not anything racy or anxious for me and I’m prone to that with sativas Great for housework , socializing, any cleaning or crafts When grape Stomper comes in not only do I know it’ll stomp my blues away but I also know my house is getting cleaned and I’m going to have a great time jamming out to music doing it . As a person with chronic pain, dystonia/Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, stomach cancer and anemia My pain,spasms, fatigue , and lack of motivation can really get to me Grape stomper stomps those problems away from me I think what I like about it the most besides it’s instant head change effect and ability to brighten your perspective on life. Is that it has the body effects like you’d expect from a grapy indica of muscle spasms relived and pain dulled and with ZERO sleepiness and way more of a sativa burst head change than any lone grape indica would give. This hybrid is the best of both fruity worlds my only qualm with it is that some batches of it depending which terpenes are coming in stronger it can give some serious munchies You can get past this by eating a large meal or one high in fiber right BEFORE you smoke Just don’t smoke this on an empty stomach UNLESS your goal is to eat and get rid of nausea because it is really good at that This strain has made me a happier and more productive person and I am so very very thankful for it as it is so rare to find such a uplifting sativa that also calms my muscle spasms but still gives me enough energy to work it is truly my lifesaver

Kimbo Kush

Even though I bought this almost 1+1/2 years ago now I HAD to review to save others . Only 2 times I tried Justice Grown was gravely disappointed 1st time was with their pre roll “face off” which left separate review for as it was what I call “anti weed” made my headache and pain worse, zero buzz,tasted like literal feces. 2nd and last time was when I got their Kimbo Kush It was covered in mold smelt like it never actually got fully dried . It has had ZERO trichomes or crystals of any kind was about 60% moldy leaves with zero frost. When I asked the dispensary for a refund they didn’t believe me so I brought it in and showed it to the manager and he said sure enough that’s mold and this is disgusting and they refunded me thankfully. I will NEVER be buying a Justin Grown anything edible flower or even topical So please use at your own risk (risk to your wallet , pallet, and head LOL)

Jet Fuel

I saw a review saying they got a “berry” flavor from this ... Ummmm to each their own I guess that’s why everyone’s reviews are important to see the range of effects because everyone is different . Ya no berry flavor on my end at all shrug 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways I’ve bought this strain too many times to count (over 30x) since I got my medical card 3 +1/2 years ago It’s mostly very diesely+piny and all around skunky with hint of lemon . important note - ONE OF THE SLEEPIEST SATIVA YOU’LL EVER ENCOUNTER!! If you’re taking this at name value(g6 /jet fuel ) you might be disappointed this is NOT a strain for getting a bunch of things done cleaning, working etc. However it’s a wonderful MIXER strain I recommend getting the shake and mixing it with indica for relaxed night or with another sativa to get things done .. it does have some potentiating terpenes that make make mixing it with another strain more potent than on its own . SOME of the physical effects are what you expect from a sativa—>anti-inflammatory, pain relief, headache and migraine relief, nausea killer But (from the flower alone ) you won’t get the speediness, racyness , energy anything like that — so actually if you’re very sensitive to sativa’s then this may be a go to for you— So this strain shouldn’t be named what it is if you ask me because it is rather misleading you will not get that racy sativa get up and go buzz sorry but you won’t But I still love it !!! To recap this strain is very different depending I the brand and type of product you get it in 1-VERANO flower, shake , swift lift form : very mellow , euphoric /uplifting, nausea obliterator, chronic pain/headache reliever but NO rush 2-VERANO in edible form( I bake with the shake ) : spacy , Stoney, knock out you and your pain , you wouldn’t think G6 in an edible would put you to sleep but man it knocks you out so be warned! 3 PTS brand G6 budder : THIS is what you EXPECT from a G6 total head rush total energy total “crack “ of strains in PTS brands budder so uplifting it squashes depression or low motivation in its tracks , its def GET ER DONE smoke!! However the crash/ending effects of this speedy budder will eventually come down to a chill relaxation/sleepiness So don’t be fooled by its name!! understand this strain can be very different when it’s in different forms and from other cultivars, if your a sativa person you might wanna mix it with a stronger sativa . if your sensitive to sativa’s don’t be afraid of this one at all ,this is nothing like what your afraid of no heart race , paranoia etc I love it it’s wonderful mixing strain for spinal pain, chronic nerve pain , nausea , sinus and other headache/migraine , and depression Won’t do much for muscle spasms tho

Face Off OG Kush

Once bitten twice shy with GRASSROOTS 1st time ever bought from them Was excited to try face off I heard so many good things about it . 1st off they can't roll their 1g pre rolls for sh$t 2nd off it tased like literal feces 3rd it did NOTHING Smoked whole gram to self in less than 10 minutes ( are usually can't finish the whole gram pre roll if it's a good heavy Indica) Made my headache that I was trying to relieve worse and didn't even give me a buzz or sleepy feeling nothing. I'm so disappointed in this strain waste of money screw GRASSROOTS

Face Off OG

Never been so disappointed by a strain in my life ! I suppose I'm once bitten twice shy from this because this was me trying GRASSROOTS for 1st time and I will never buy from them again now what a waste of money. I literally felt NOTHING from it except it made my migraine was trying to get rid of worse. It tased very earthy which I don't mind but it was so much so that it had a straight mulch/SH&t taste was hard to enjoy. I had high hopes for it because I love heavy Indicas and the relief they give me so much . I have multiple conditions(including plate in my neck ) and while I don't ever expect a strain to get rid of 100% of my nerve pain . I've been pleasantly surprised before. I read it was heavy indica and not for novice smokers , and i only heard good things about it. Especially liked that said helps with migraines . I was so exited to try got everything done for the day was ready with my lavender tea and feet in spa and just ready to relax and melt into chair. Well nothing happened , halfway through I noticed resin forming on side of paper seemed like a good sign so I kept smoking and finished (FYI if it's a 1g pre roll of good indica i usually can't finish it) So I was pretty upset because it made my headache worse and did nothing - no munchies no dry eyes not even a little sleepy. I was like maybe it's a creeper so I'll wait ... after hour still nothing I was like wtf for real Very strange , awful in every way Idk why theirs so many good reviews on it To recap - tasted disgusting - gave ZERO relief or buzz at all - made headache worse - was so weak idk honestly if it was even marijuana at all LOL JK really it was just crap