
member since 2016

Recent Reviews9 total

Jack Herer

A pleasant daytime smoke. The sativa traits are good with this one. Being someone who hates Indica and is made very ill by Indica, sativa traits are essential to me and my mental health. It is uplifting but not crazy, it gives a general sense of warm happiness without feeling hyper, you are more talkative, focused, no tiredness or body high but you're relaxed at the same time. This is a really nice medicinal one for people with depression and anxiety that want something to brighten their day or keep them going around the house or for gaming, going out with friends or a music festival would be really good. I noticed a good decrease in social anxiety with this. I suffer from OCD, anxiety, IBS and my boyfriend suffers from anxiety and depression. I feel my anxiety has lifted significantly and my boyfriend is much more upbeat and commented on how he felt better after 1-2 gravity bottle hits. My nausea from having smoked an Indica (they make me extremely unwell) subsided relatively quickly. Smoke isn't very harsh even through the gravity bottles and has a strong smell of lemon and celery and mud. All in all this is a good rounded strain for just about anyone. It isn't a hugely intensive smoke but it will get you up and dancing if you put some music on.


Street trash weed all the tweens and teens want to smoke on the down low behind their local kebab shop. Another depressingly typical Indica that did nothing but ruin my health. This one is a 'classic' (somehow) where the Indica is in absolute full force ready to leave you bedridden, strapped to a toilet so you don't fall off in the middle of losing half your body weight whilst trying not to have a breakdown because it kicked your anxiety disorder into such high gear you drop to your knees in a physical and mental collapse. The smell is vile like warm cheesestring and smooth cream cheese in one with just a slight whiff of unwiped butt. Very horrible smell and taste of ammonia like poor quality hair dye. The taste is like smooth, artificial and very cheap cheese and something distinctly chemical with a weirdly sweet after taste. Not a harsh smoke even in gravity bottles but the smell alone was enough to make us both wrinkle our noses, complain and feel sick. My boyfriend hated this as well he got very very grumpy and very tired and it worsened his depression and messed with his tablets which had not happened before and stopped when we quit Indica! I suffer from severe OCD and anxiety and I have IBS. You guessed it! After smoking this I was depressed without any depression normally, I had a horrendously upset stomach, shaking, anxiety, paranoia, stabbing stomach pains, my OCD absolutely out of control, I was bad tempered, aggressive, my skin smelled horrible after smoking, I felt sick to my stomach with no appetite and was so physically and mentally drained I didn't even want to move or blink. This also made my periods bad and I don't generally have bad ones. It left me with terrible pain, nausea, massive exhaustion, stress, insomnia and generally made me utterly run down. I was bad for a while until it came out of my system. I smoke sativa and I have nothing short of an amazing time with massive relief from my mental health and no bad physical symptoms to report. I do not take any type of medication, not even painkillers. I am only 23 and never experienced anything like when smoking these... Things... Absolutely awful and it was high quality buds we had. I don't know why anyone wants this street trash nowadays.

Atomical Haze

Soaring and beautiful daytime smoke. I think this might be my third favourite smoke! It's an excellent sativa for people with anxiety, especially social anxiety. It makes you relaxed, easygoing and chatty, but also energetic, very happy with a soothing buzz. I suffer from severe OCD and anxiety with IBS and find that sativa or dominant hybrids work best for me as they stop my anxiety, give me huge relief from the stress and an illness that otherwise leaves me housebound. I have tried many Indica which have made me constantly unwell physically and mentally leaving me unable to get up or function and causing horrendous stomach problems, worsen my OCD and leave me on my knees crying and unable to cope. I had no problems with this. Absolutely lovely, really upbeat and happy. Chilled perfect sativa smoke where you can relax or be active. You have any choice in the world. My boyfriend and I smoked it for five hours straight in Amsterdam we were so floored by how good it is. Not harsh even with gravity bottle. You don't feel too slow and you don't feel tired with it either. There's no body high or that dreaded and awful couch lock. I experienced no nausea, IBS issues with this strain which is extremely important to me as I am deeply afraid of vomiting. This smoke made me feel calm as clear water and completely easygoing. My boyfriend also really liked it with his depression. We had a really good time with this strain and recommend it to anyone wanting something upbeat and amazing but that isn't going to make you anxious. I also recommend for people who are less confident with sativa or beginners because it's not as harsh as AK47 and doesn't give you the random, intense and ongoing bursts of uncontrollable energy like AK. Overall 10/10 quality strain.

Skunk 47

The only Indica-dominant that hasn't made me severely unwell! This is definitely one for the ladies as it is excellent for menstruaion nausea and cramps! 100% a menstrual smoke! And it increases your arousal tenfold! My boyfriend likes this strain for more reasons than it helping with his depression and generally being a beautiful smoke. Says Indica but I don't believe it... Skunk 47 is possibly my second favourite behind AK47. It's a sour-smelling and pungent strain that I find smells like coffee, cheese, butt and roast dinner in one. The effects are pleasant and it is a good day or night time smoke. It is relaxing but never lethargic or couch locked. It's uplifting with no anxiety and it's all round a smooth sailing smoke. My boyfriend and I found it is good for gaming or as a daily smoke. I suffer from severe OCD and anxiety and Indica always leaves me with stabbing stomach pains, insomnia, anxiety, panics, shakes, either extremely hungry or no appetite at all, vision problems, depression, aches and pains and a massive feeling of stress all over my body. Fortunately I had none of this with Skunk 47. This is the only strain with lots of Indica that has not made me collapse to my knees exhausted, in pain, losing weight from a bad stomach and so stressed I can barely function. It is such a smooth smoke. Strong and somewhat unpleasant smell and taste but it isn't too harsh for a gravity bottle. Less harsh than Northern Lights but harsher than a sativa. It absolutely stinks though. Really sour and pungent but mostly of coffee and beef. I experienced some anxiety relief but very little as Indica generally makes my anxiety disorder much worse. I am quite pleased though as I used it around menstruation and almost entirely forgot I was even having a period! No symptoms at all, no PMS, no pains anywhere. Recommended to everyone for any reason you can think of. With AK47 being my favourite of course I'm going to love Skunk 47! This is the kind of smoke you don't forget and will want more of on a regular basis. It's not one you forget about or don't think much to. I must add that I personally really hate, hate, hate Indica but this hybrid is actually nothing like an Indica really at all.

NYC Diesel

This was a very weird sativa-dominant I smoked. I have horrendous illness whenever I smoke Indica, physically and mentally. At first it gives you a happy and excited buzz, not too strong but pleasant. It fades relatively quickly though and can leave you overthinking, paranoid, grumpy, etc. However, it makes you extremely hungry and quite aroused (my boyfriend and I both noticed this - I'm female) I found this better for sleeping than Indica. My boyfriend feels very much the same way. He has depression and anxiety and found this strain to be very unhelpful. He even went as far as to say he didn't like it that much. Personally, I feel like it just isn't that good of a sativa. It gave me more Indica effects but with a pounding heart and no lethargy or bad stomach. It didn't worsen by OCD but it didn't help at all. I felt weirdly anxious on this one and weirdly blank as well. I don't know why as I have had AK47 a much more powerful sativa-dominant with no poor effects at all. I do have to say that it does seem to be extremely good for nausea, IBS and even menstruation. I was surprised at how healthy I felt with it despite the rapid thinking. It is okay for gaming and relaxing but better used to dance and have fun or do something a little more active. It is also good for arousal and appetite problems. The whole experience of this went from crippling excited happy etc to gradually over time worsening until I was left feeling quite stressed for no reason. At first it was good, not harsh but with a nasty petrol and chemical taste and smell. Almost a bit like ammonia. We always smoke from gravity bottles. In general this is one of the worst strains I have tried purely because it just isn't that good, but I will gladly take it any day for OCD relief in comparison to how physically and mentally crippled Indica leaves me.


Make it rain AK47! My absolute favourite firecracker that sends me to the moon and beyond. As Team Rocket says... We're blasting off again!! This will send you off like crack and then make your knuckles drag only to leave you utterly embarrassing yourself by not being able to speak properly and then walking face first into a hotel sliding door. It hits you very quickly with a sudden shower of bullets leaving you dancing your feet until there's nothing left of them to slam you down slow for a little while before making it rain once more. It is a pungent and harsh smoke regardless but it is more than worth it. I have severe anxiety and OCD at 23, I am als female. So much relief. No anxiety, no nausea or panic attacks or insomnia, speech problems, vision problems, lethargy or worsening of my OCD which I get with every Indica I smoke. I love AK because it makes me feel really good and like I can actually go out and see things. My boyfriend and I first tried this in Amsterdam and practically bought the whole of Amsterdam's worth to sit and smoke throughout the visit. I would warn people if you haven't tried AK47 to get a gravity bottle, find someone to sit with you and be blown outergalactic. I found this so uplifting with strong sativa traits. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop dancing and laughing and jumping around. My depressed boyfriend was exactly the same and he was laughing and experienced a good relief from his illness! Absolutely love AK. There is nothing that could compare to that beautiful AK47 that will spray you down again and again.

White Widow

One of my absolute favourite strains! It left me buzzing and tingling all over. My hands were a vibrating blur, the world lit up in a supernova about 2-3 seconds after exhale. I was happy, I was dancing with my boyfriend in our Amsterdam hotel room. We had an amazing evening. It gave a sharp burst similar to AK47 but as more of a sting that goes through the body leaving you feeling like you've been bitten by a wonderfully enchanting spider. It was almost trippy and eventually we could wind down into a heavy but comfortable sleep. We also tried smoking this among indica and it seemed to counteract some of the horrible side effects I get whenever I smoke Indica. The sativa is dominant in head high with the high trickling slowly into a relaxing smooth high you could sleep with, but it won't be a complete knockout as you are still relatively capable. I'm 23, female and have severe anxiety and OCD. I tried this in Amsterdam on a visit because my boyfriend had found great reviews. I want to state we smoked from a gravity bottle (as always). I found very good relief of symptoms with this, my menta health improved whilst the effects were in place and I did not wake up anxious, stoned or nauseated. My boyfriend has major depression and there were no problems to report from him either. He also wants to try this one again! I should say I have nothing but panic attacks, anxiety, nausea, horribly upset stomachs, exhaustion, headaches, aches and pains, stabbing stomach pains, my OCD worsens dramatically, mood swings and generally feeling depressed when smoking Indica. I only get this with Indica. I don't know 100% if this is one I personally could smoke very regularly as it can be strong but alone with AK47 I'm more than happy to do it anyway. Five stars because this will make your tingles tingle and your energy soar! Not necessarily for long period day time use as it can hit you more slowly over time. Generally this isn't a sleepy smoke. I recommend it and can't wait to get my hands on it again!

OG Kush

This was one of the worst hybrids I have tried. It knocked me out almost immediately and made my little 106lb body feel almost impossible to lift. I was locked to the Amsterdam bed feeling down, lethargic, heavy, groggy, head full of cotton balls, slow and aching. It made my body warm and achy and made me sleep straight away. I woke up to a foul mood, overslept and felt utterly drained. The smell of cheese, gas and something more sweet and sticky wasn't too nice but the smoke itself wasn't harsh. It was fairly smooth and similar to Cheese #1. I suffer from anxiety and severe OCD and this was a poor choice. Indica always makes me incredibly unwell and leaves me with massive anxiety, nausea, panic, shaking, weight loss, etc and the Indica traits in this were the strongest. Whilst I didn't feel too bad I smoked it two or three times over a couple of days and felt tired, heavy, slow, etc. If it wasn't for my boyfriend I would have probably been depressed and lethargic. All in all. Never smoking again!

Northern Lights

I should start by saying I don't like Indica in general but my boyfriend wanted me to try some of this to see if my mind would change. It hasn't. I hate Indica and will never smoke it again after this! Consumed by smoking with gravity bottles. The only method we use. I have anxiety and severe OCD. You'd think this would help... It absolutely cripples me. I have barely slept in days, I am sick to my stomach and I am nearly in tears from stress. My anxiety has shot through the roof with this and I literally dropped to my knees in tears having a panic attack caused by this strain! Every single Indica I have had has made me unwell. This one has caused me the least problems. I am only 23. The effects do relax you and at first are giggly and uplifted but they soon turn lethargic, bored, sad, nauseated and extremely slow. I was struggling to think of words clearly and it was making my anxiety worse because it made me look slow and extremely stupid. Aka I have poor focusing with this too. I am so anxious and jittery I can barely sleep, I am nauseated almost constantly, badly upset stomach, exhaustion, insomnia, appetite is dropping. I am actually quite afraid of how I feel after smoking this. My boyfriend has depression and he says it makes him relaxed but it gives him a nasty stone over, makes him more tired and he won't admit it but he is more grumpy when he has had this strain. I want to add it wasn't bad quality stuff and it was genuine it just reacted very poorly to me. All in all I can safely say I can take away a new experience and a whole bin bag full of toilet roll...