
member since 2019

Recent Reviews13 total

Jet Fuel

[Verano Reserve .5g Vape. 84%thc] This is without a doubt my favorite overall strain. This Sativa dominate hybrid gives the right amount of head high with good body relaxing properties. The head high is balanced, almost feeling even spread through the front and back of the head. The body high is all over which is nice for those with pain (especially joint pain). You can smoke this at any point in the day, however daytime is preferred. You will still stay motivated to do things around the house while feeling perfectly relaxed at the same time. Ive cleaned my house, got chores done and even got tons of homework done as well. This is by far the perfect blend for me. The best part is if you are a seasoned smoker with a good tolerance, this stuff is pretty strong. 3 or 4 good rips from the vape and I am at a perfect level. The taste is also very enjoyable.


.5g Cresco Labs cartridge. This is my ultimate favorite strain for pain right now. This even tops Alien Rock Candy which is my second fav strain for pain. The taste is good and not harsh on the lungs. The main reason I love this strain is not only does it take the pain away and make you feel totally relaxed but when you sleep and wake the next morning you feel refreshed and rested. It's almost like this strain has anti-inflammatory properties because when I wake up, I can move around comfortably without any arthritis pain or discomfort. This is my top Indica strain right now and will be for a while.

Katsu Bubba Kush

.5g cresco vape cart. A very good Indica that will leave you feeling very at peace and relaxed. This does make you a little hungry as well as very sleepy. Provides a nice body high. This strain sneaks up on you. It's my favorite of the limited indicas I have tried.

Red Headed Stranger

.5g Revolution Terp Tank. This is my 3rd favorite strain when it comes to Sativas. Did very well for my pain. wasnt the most memorable high but the pain relief was nice for a sativa.

Jack Herer

.300g Rythm disposable. This is a top 5 Sativa strain. I love the energy boost from this however dont care for the taste. Doesnt do much for my pain relief but does do the trick to get through the day.

Ghost Train Haze

.5g Goldleaf vape. This is my #2 Sativa strain, just barely behind Outer Space. This strain was like taking a shot of espresso. I felt a quick burst of energy and and enjoyment. The whole time I felt like my brain was being massaged. Not bad for pain relief and doesnt make me sleepy after the high wears off.

Outer Space

.5g cresco vape. This is my very favorite sativa strain with Ghost train slightly trailing behind. The high lasts for a fairly long time and does have some pain relief. Most importantly I dont feel sleepy after I come down. This has a very strong earthly/floral taste to it.

Alien Rock Candy

.5g Terp tank from Revolution. This is my favorite indica dominant strain when it comes to dealing with pain and arthritis. What really sets this strain apart from the rest is when I wake up the next morning, my knee feels great and have have full mobility.

Star Killer

Used .5g cart from Cresco Labs. When my pain flares up really bad, my typical go to is BioJesus. Since there can be a long wait for this to come in stock, I tried Star Killer as a secondary option. I am strongly considering Star Killer as my go to with pain. The taste was smooth and not too harsh on the lungs. I felt like I was getting a full body massage. If you are looking for the ultimate relaxing sensation, sit in a comfortable chair or couch, listen to some low fi in the dark. 10/10