
member since 2014

Recent Reviews2 total

Tangerine Haze

A great smoke that leaves a nice citrus flavor on the palate after smoking. The high from the Tang Haze has always been consistent and is a great smoke for a social occasion. Slightly harsh in all honesty, but still the high and the effects from the smoke is most definitely worth it. I would suggest this smoke for beginning individuals who aren't used to smoking regularly. This sativa is must try!! A good bud will have a healthy green color with brown whiskers and an undeniable tangerine aroma to it.


We recieved this strain shortly after I read about it at the dispensary that I am employed with. I was really excited to try this strain that I heard was one of the "most intense sativas out there". The start of the smoke wasn't too different, a little harsh if anything, and didn't taste the best. However, a small chaser (just a glass of water) would dissapate the taste immediately. I did get some tingling feelings on my arms and legs, but I didn't get the "headband" feeling that this strain was named after. The overall hish once it plateaued was, actually, enjoyable and calm. I had some trouble with keeping my train of thought, and there were a lot of time when I would just zone out and discontinue a conversation, but aside from that I didn't get feelings of nausea, or any real negative side-effects. I would most defenitely suggest this to people who are looking for a nice strong sativa, however, I would also like to state that if you have a high level of anxiety or have been known to be a paranoid high, this could possibly tip you over the edge. Please smoke responsibly.