
member since 2021

Recent Reviews8 total

Gelato Cake

Picked up an ounce grown by District Cannabis from Takoma Wellness Center, extracted with a Nugsmasher Mini. The taste is incredible, my favorite of any strain I've ever tried, topping even AltSol's Berry Cinex, and I'm extremely sensitive to taste and can't handle most strains. I'm in the early stages of ankylosing spondylitis, a very painful form of arthritis where my immune system attacks my spine and causes damage and vertebrae fusion, and Gelato Cake completely knocks out that pain as well as any stress and depression I'm experiencing. Some reviews say it's sedating, but I didn't find it to be so; it gave me energy at first and just a nice sense of relaxation as the mostly body-focused high went on. There's a wonderful tingly feeling that wraps around your head at higher doses, and the strain seems perfect for both medical and recreational use. Easily my favorite strain, surpassing my previous favorite Blue Dream by a mile, and I recommend anyone with access try it.

Sour Banana

Wowwww . waas going to have a review too high

Green Love Potion

Genuinely incredible strain. Works wonders for aches of all kinds and makes the body feel light and euphoric. Near entirely body-focused high that leaves the head exceptionally clear and doesn't sedate. Managed to get me almost entirely pain-free even with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and EDS flaring up. The taste is in my opinion absolutely repulsive, like menthol and earwax, but that's very much a personal preference and I imagine this could taste great to many other people.

Blue Cheese

A surprisingly clear-headed high, where you can definitely feel how high you are but can think about things without losing your train of thought (or not much, at least). A slightly heady and very tingly feeling might be an effect of this, or it might be the effect of my room being a couple degrees too cold. It doesn't really elevate mood, but it cushions bad emotions just a bit. Dulls joint aches a considerable amount. At higher doses and slightly less sleep there are considerable visual and perceptual changes, though they 1. can be shaken off to an extent when needing to act sober and 2. might just be a result of my illness. It's extremely relaxing, but doesn't keep you from doing things if you really want to. Seems ideal for getting comfortable and watching something you love and preventing pain and anxiety while getting more enjoyment out of it, but not for when you're looking to feel better emotionally without other stimuli.

Hindu Kush

The flavor isn't enjoyable, the high doesn't alleviate anxiety and probably worsens it with the feelings of nausea and dizziness. Indicas rarely work well for me, and this didn't change that. Provides minor ache relief at low doses but nausea increases at higher doses.

Cookies and Cream

This strain is absolutely incredible for pain. The most I feel in my back or neck is an occasional tingle or ache, whereas I'd be in a consistently distracting amount of pain otherwise. It strikes me as more of a body high, but also fills the head with a comforting tingle that doesn't cloud the mind, and is enjoyable while still allowing me to function, though sounds are somewhat distorted at higher doses. It's relaxing without being unintentionally sedative, though I feel like I could go to sleep at any time. I'm not worried about my future because I don't need to think about it right now. I've found that while it's calming, it can exacerbate anxiety if taken to combat PTSD episodes, and is more suitable as an afternoon/evening med to use to keep stress at bay and pain at a minimum than as a measure against an ongoing panic attack. The smoke leaves a faint earthy taste, but each hit is more and more distinctly sweet and almost sugary, like vanilla cookies, and is extremely gentle on the throat and smooth to exhale. It doesn't relieve the heavy feeling of fatigue, but it dulls the associated pains and is wonderful for nighttime.

Blue Dream

It's impossible to properly describe this strain and the relief it brings me. Due to a rough upbringing and a lot of mental illness, I'm predisposed to thinking of things that are popular as unworthy of my time, so I almost didn't pick this up when it was in stock, thinking the answer to my constant excruciating apathy due to severe PTSD and depression couldn't possibly be something so well known and loved. From the moment I first smoked Blue Dream, I could feel a shift in my mind where I was okay with myself and the things out of my control that no other strain gives me so consistently, intensely, and frankly enjoyably. I keep other strains on me to switch things up, but I always wish I was smoking Blue Dream instead. It doesn't do much for my neck pain, sadly, so I'm still on the lookout for another strain to combat that. Certain strains click with certain brains, and as far as I'm concerned, Blue Dream is near perfect for me, and I recommend to anyone with severe depression and feelings of emptiness to try it out at least once.

Pineapple Skunk

Reliably gets me out of PTSD attacks that usually go on for hours untreated. I have energy to think about my problems normally, my back pain is almost entirely relieved, and I can eat again. Calms my heart and chest pain but doesn't make me numb to my problems, just able to consider them more clearly. I can't tolerate many indicas, but this gives me the effects I've been looking for out of indicas without lethargy or the general feeling of grossness and feels more like a sativa. Recreationally, the high is too intensely heady for my taste, and it can be easy to overdo it as it's a very potent strain.