
member since 2017

Recent Reviews30 total

Orange Fruity Pebbles

I like it. I am extremely indica-sensitive. I have a hard time finding a hybrid that does not either make me feel 'heavy' and unfocussed and not productive which I DISlike most times unless I am desperate to go to sleep. Orange Fruity Pebbles does not make me feel body-heavy but as others say, I do feel some physical relaxation. Mentally I am awake, able to focus, sadly no mad giggles but we live in hope!

Lemon Butter

This is not what I was expecting! I was expecting a physically energizing quite focused experience, good for a nice weekend of accomplishing projects which is not what happened. As another reviewer seemed to describe re- goats heads (!), I experienced some psychedelic effects; colors, shapes, weird visual montages. I don't mind these mild experiences; I like them so for me it was fine but not at all what I was expecting. That passed after about ten minutes. I do not usually experience hunger with sativas and I use a couple of indica strains specifically as appetite stimulants. This sative made me hungry, too! Not a massive junk-food-panic-munchies hunger attack: I had time to prepare food but I was not expecting that, either. After thirty minutes and a total of two bong hits I am writing this and will then probably do some computer work as opposed to yard work, though I could do some manual labor, just not hard core, on this. Mowing or raking would be fine. Weeding would be perfect! It then evolved into a more physially relaxed state and I made some decaf coffee to enjoy without adding caffeine to a now, after about forty minutes, nice steady state. See what happens next! Maybe I'll fall asleep after another fifteen minutes. Doesn't matter; that was an option today. It's a beautiful, crisp cold weekend :) Mundane, repetetive motion jobs are fine. As another person also commented, "if you do not have goals while smoking this you will fall down rabbit holes, BF, YT, you have been warned"!! 100% accurate! I really like this strain.

Emerald Triangle Dispensary- Talent

Love the regular extra deals this dispensary offers on top of the everyday specials. The generous points account is definitely worth having. Consistently broad inventory and good quality products. A few seem to think it is a little pricey compared to some other locations but with all the one-off deals and daily discounts overall it seems very fair. This model works for me. Thanks :)


Well I had definitely not expected this even the reviews do more or less warn me. I read the lineage and assumed energetic and active. As another reviewer said, I don't know what happened! I took two hits from my bong and my fingers are too heavy. If this was WANTED, if it was time to go to bed or chill I would be very pleased but I was suppsoed to be working! FIVE stars as it gave me minor munchies and I had proper food ready so that was good, and the body high is irresistible. Thank god I didn't take this out anywhere expecting an active day hike or something! I'd be asleep in my car for two hours, miles from home. Good to know what it DOES and i does it very well. I got off lucky PHEW. This is why I never-ever try 'new' strains until I am at home and need to go nowhere. THIS is why. Night-night :)

Memory Loss

This is not 'functional' as far as being present, focused or efficient but it does melt pain and pressure away very quickly so in that way it's functional. I would not consider leaving the house when using this strain as that would very easily cause severe anxiety and paranoia but the name does warn you. I cannot achieve anything useful when using this strain so if productivity is the objective this is not going to help. It does have an amnesiac effect so although it does not 'cause' paranoia I make sure things are safe ('don't start making toast and walk out of the room' kind of common sense precautions and considerations) if I am going to use this strain to solve the things it does. I can see people asking why use it as it doesn't sound safe but if this is used to help specific things and it works as well as it does for those, it is!


I love this strain. If I am not sitting down already, I'd better be close to something to sit or lie on. I am no good at describing taste in any meaningful way so I won't comment on that. The immediate effect is overwhelming body heaviness and a very strong urge to go to sleep right this second. Since I now know this, I can temporarily and with some effort postpone the sleep bit if I need to eat but I will go to sleep right after that, IF I make it. The appetite stimulant is not overwhelming like some strains, for me. As the description says, I find Goo, to have a mild effect that regard. This is for me ideal. Pain can have an appetite suppressing effect but I really do not want strains that promote and stimulate appetite to the point that the desire to eat over-rides absolutely everything else. You know what I mean! Goo does NOT do that - to me :) I cannot think clearly at all if I have this on board, but if I want to go to sleep that is not a negative factor; in fact not being able to think is perfect! Pain management might be said to be an effect of this strain I suppose but if I am going to sleep whether I want to or not, I would say that that is the effect, more than pain management. I do have pain that keeps me awake, this strain does manage that pain, but only because I am asleep. I don't care; it works for me. But if you need to manage pain and stay awake and functional, for me, those attributes are nowhere on the list of effects Goo has on me. Enjoy!


This knocks me down. I do enjoy Grapefruit but for me this is not one for running errands or working out (that would be something like Sleestack, Citrus Farmer, Kali Mist or Borderliner). If I use even a small amount of Grapefruit I can fairly easily and quickly go to sleep regardless of the time of day. It slows me down, makes my body feel heavy and slow and, as another reviewer noted, it makes me yawn a lot. It causes muted or blurred thoughts, which for me is conducive to falling asleep when racing thoughts are distracting/paralysing or contributing to insomnia. I find thinking to be too much work when I use Grapefruit! It is an effective sleep aid that allows me to reset and wake up not groggy or muddled. Weird, but that's just how this one works, for me. One of the really fascinating things about how personal the ways various strains affect different people. Grapefruit is the only strain that I have encountered so far that is described as sativa but has the sole effect of making me relaxed and sleepy without any speedy or high or energising effects before or after ingesting. For instance, Lemon G's immediate effect makes me relaxed and I could take a nap but I know that if I ride it out for ten minutes and drink some tea or water while waiting, an energy lift comes along that is quite stable and lasts reliably. J1 sends me through the roof and then crashes me all within about ten minutes along with a horrible headache, which I find extremely unpleasant and in no way helpful. Grapefruit does not do that at all. Just relaxed/heavy/sleepy. :)

Blueberry Cheesecake

Blueberry Cheesecake is the best strain to use as an appetite stimulant, for me. I find this to be its primary effect, and it is a simple and effective solution to what can become a real problem. If I am experiencing a phase in which I am having difficulty eating to the point that I no longer even feel hunger, the thought of food makes me feel ill and even just drinking water seems offensive to my system, I can interrupt the cycle with a small amount of this strain. I will prepare something healthy which I enjoy anyway when my appetite is normal, and then use a very small amount of this strain when the meal is ready - but not before; I learned that! I am then able to eat easily and enjoy the food, remain awake and do low-key but functional things for a while as my meal digests, then I am able to fall asleep quite easily later on. Other effects for me include feeling relaxed, unfocused and content but those are as likely to be results of having been able to eat comfortably and my body being satisfied. I can't be sure. Either way, it works ... : )

Grapefruit Durban

I'm going to say this. I am speechless. This strain is PERFECT for me. I do not want to smoke ANYTHING ELSE EVER!!! Thanks you, thank you, to you guys for getting this so right. PLEASE say you're going to sell clones, or keep this one coming. I have never had such success with a strain and I am not exaggerating when I say I have tried probably 200 at this point. I need various things and there are multiple things that I cannot and will not tolerate, from flower. I have so many considerations and preferences that it's almost ridiculous, but what the hell? It's my brain chemistry, it's my pain levels and it's my functioning that matters to me. Unfortunately, if I get any sense of relaxation I go right to sleep. I do not really want to smoke for that. Having said that, though I like sativa to my astonishment, there are usually effects that I dislike, to some degree. A lot of it I tolerate as it's pretty minor stuff, but I'm aware of it, I don;t like it and I rather it wasn't there. I am able to think quickly and sharply and complete complex academic tasks and papers. I am also able to move and work in physical contexts and remain coordinated. I can type quickly and as accurately as normal, which may not be saying much ;) There is no other strain that I have come across that allows the mental and physical effect exactly, exactly the way I want and need I also am susceptible to paranoia if I make bad choices, and I hate that. I am very, very careful what I keep on hand permanently. This, if it stays around is my Number One, now! No paranoia, perfect, perfect balance of very high mental and physical energy that are so harmonised it as if I haven't smoked ANYTHING. No munchies (good for me) and no red eyes (also great!!) I don't care about taste so I'm probably not a great one for reviewing that, but I have smoked this from my bong, and from a couple of vaporisers, the Wulf and Volcano Digital, and it tastes pleasant enough. For me 384 degrees is right.

Animal Cookies

I enjoy this strain. I found it to be more or less the perfect balance of mental and physical relaxation. I often find that a strain either speeds up my head and my body is relaxed which is fine but not always what I need, or it makes my mind focussed but my body shaky, which I don't really enjoy at all! So this strain seemed to manage to get my mind and body going at the same speed, which was a relief. It was a very relaxing experience that allowed me to write for a couple of hours at night and not get couch locked or too sleepy despite my body being somewhat relaxed. My brain typically takes any signal that my body is relaxed as a cue to go to right to sleep, which is totally impractical. This has been a nuisance for me as I try to find strains that help me function while I am awake. I don't want to have to go to sleep to get relief from pain. It was a pleasant surprise that this strain did not have that effect, though when I noted the initial onset effects, I did expect it to. I did find it made my eyes really itchy right off, but that resolved over about ten minutes. I also noted that I had the munchies which is quite unusual for me, and not at all desirable. It wasn't bad enough for me to avoid the strain though, and it was controllable. I didn't eat, because I knew it was this strain that was causing the effect, and I'd already eaten dinner. No need to eat any more, so I didn't. Now I have a better idea of how it works for me I'm going to keep some of this around as a staple in my box of tricks. This strain won't be necessary very often but when it is, this is the perfect solution :)