
member since 2017

Recent Reviews4 total

Space Queen

I like it when the soundtrack for the strain is included in the name! Space Queen! Ground control to Major Tom. It makes things so much easier. I picked up a 2 gram bottle of Space Queen to celebrate surviving a 14" snowfall the night before. I can't get over the aroma. It doesn't smell like marijuana at all. It could pass for tea–unless you smoke. Then boom. SQ is a fast rising, Spirit lifting high. And it just keeps going! I had top-up after an hour and a half and I feel great. Space Queen - hit it Freddy!

Jack Herer

Jack Herer - I Like! A cold, snowy February Sunday afternoon. Soundtrack: T Bone Burnett, Live Bruce JH is instantly energizing! I smoked a medium sized joint out in the cold fresh air. I stepped back inside, grabbed a pencil and instantly started writing. But let's back up a bit. JH is a sativa based hybrid. The buds I received were huge, tight, and a bright green colour with lots of dark hairs woven throughout. Smooth, not harsh at all, although the cold air helps temper that I'm sure! My head feels full; not congested, more over-flowing. Thoughts and ideas bouncing around and I am really enjoying the feeling of a real multi-levelled sensory experience. Listening, writing, thinking, seeing. All happening in a beautifully choreographed but somewhat reckless manner at the same time. I know I am going to get some things done this afternoon. Thanks Jack, I needed that!

Candy Jack

Candy Jack - thank you! With the power off for 40 hours (it's now back on) and waking up on Thursday morning to a 7°C, 45°F inside temperature at home, I was never so happy to see Friday evening finally arrive. I knew a puff would help right this boat, so after carefully selecting, I rolled up a nice joint of Candy Jack. Sweet like candy, strong like bull. I felt instantly relieved of tightness and tension. My whole body started to feel goodness flow through everywhere. I was in a bit of a rush so I ground the CJ before I can look at it critically. When I looked at the ground marijuana under the 30X magnifier, I was impressed with the colors of greens and golds and the trichombs we're absolutely stunning. I feel so much better now I am home, had a puff and writing this, my second strain review. I really like Candy Jack and I'll be getting more tomorrow as I am about to finish off the last of it now. Thanks Leafly for a wonderful website and the amazing community that is connected to it!

Jean Guy

Jean-Guy, hello, bon jour! I picked up two grams of Jean-Guy from a small dispensary on the way home after work. This is a new strain to me. I am new to medical marijuana and am steadily (slowly) learning about the many amazing strains available. Pouring the contents onto the table reveals a dozen small but mighty buds. The smell, lemony with an underlying earthy pot smell I love. The buds are tight and a bit spongy, like I prefer. The colour is a thing of beauty too, dusty green, with a splash of purple/blue thrown in for the price of admission. Looking through the 30X magnifier, the buds are even more impressive, with some of the smallest buds literally covered in trichomes! I ground and rolled a joint, took one long haul, held it for a second or two and exhaled. Nice. It was smooth, not harsh at all. Taste was great, but what struck me most was the buzz! A head buzz for sure; not so much a tightness as a lightness, right behind the eyes. I savoured the rest of the smoke, noting how nice it was outside for a cold, East-Coast January evening. I came inside, having already planned on writing my first strain review on Jean-Guy. When I got to the table I was already smiling! My lips were pursed upwards, feeling like I had been told a great and wonderful secret. Jean-Guy! I love this strain! I have been listening to music throughout the whole process of this writing, and that has taken on a life of it’s own as well! I am feeling as good as I have in a while, motivated, focused and, now, two hours later, quite hungry! Jean-Guy. Try it – I think you’ll like it!