
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

Lemon Skunk

You ever wanna have great sex? You ever wanna have the best tasting pop tart you’ve ever had? You ever wanna enjoy your wifes parents coming over? Yeah,me too. When you smoke this, whatever you do is the best thing in your life. I was eating a pop tart and i felt as if i could eat a million and it would never fill me up. You wanna have the best orgasm of your life, and last? You smoke this. Parents coming over? You’ll pass the time when you smoke this. You know when your drug dealer says “smell this” and you just get that strong smell. Yeah, you taste that through out your high. Buying 2 ounces later this week, definitely top 5.

Death Star

Well we all have different reactions from different strains. But let me tell you, this literally had me so paranoid. I was home alone and there was construction going on behind my house. And i could’ve sworn he climbed into my house and hid in my attic. I stood outside in the 30 degree weather because i was so scared. I swore i hated the strain. My friend wanted to try it and was high for 5 hours. A crazy strain.