
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

I recently started smoking again and got this in a cart. It is strong for me but I am a seasoned rusty pro. I only smoke from time to time and today was one of those times. Story time: I recently acquired an awesome MCM terrarium. One of my prized possessions. The globe is a thin glass with an opening on top. It is on a metal stand. One of my dogs, Lilly barks at every damn dog she hears whine on tv and another of the dogs goes crazy barking when that happens. I have the terrarium sitting in front of our other dog, TT jumped up to see who was at the window and when she come down she must have hit the globe and from the kitchen I heard the delicate glass braking as it shattered on the floor. My heart sunk. I was already upset that I cannot keep the other 2 dogs off the couch when we are away and when I come home 5 minutes earlier they were on my lovely MCM gondola couch. So as I approach the front window I start to get really mad. They knew I was mad because I never blow up on them. It happened today. I started yelling and cursing and made them go outside and stay. They are complete inside dogs so this was a punishment. So anyway, I took a prescribed muscle relaxer and ended up taking a nap, still mad af. I wake up thinking about it and was pretty upset still. I finally busted out my Kanger and switched my cart and now I am THINKING about forgiving my dogs and loving on them to let them know I done hate them(assholes). Review: Very early flavor. Mellow high. I have been know to get giggly when I smoke this. I would say that my energy level doesn’t increase but it does intrigue me to clean when I do get up. I do not smoke it before bed. I do not have high anxiety with it. It is a nice euphoric high that I recommend.