
member since 2019

Recent Reviews4 total

Lemon Riot Full Spectrum 510 Vape Starter Kit

This is a wonderful full-spectrum extract. It smells like great quality bud. It seems to have all of the cannabinoids and terpenes of the plant, because it feels like a well-rounded high. Very uplifting, and positive. It doesn't interfere with my chores.

Purple Clementine

Tastes absolutely awful. It tastes like it was made from shake and leaves. It actually tastes like grass trimmings. It smells like burnt popcorn and tar. I've bought Sundial Lemon Riot before, and it was great. It tasted like bud, and it was among the best full-spectrum vape products I've ever had. This Citrus Punch from them is very low quality. The high is potent enough, but the flavour, and smell are very poor. Also, it's really rough on the throat.


Not a very good buy. Ive bought this 3 times, should have learned my lesson the first time. I wouldn't even buy it at black market prices, nevermind legal prices. Burns poorly, way too dry. Nugs were tiny, and had very thick stems in each one.

Alien Dawg

Actually a decent buy. Strong body and head high. The high is really giggly, happy, and made me almost incapable of talking correctly. While it did make me tired, it wasn't as tired as indicas normally do. I managed to stay up later than most strains allow me. Burns really well. Ash turns white, which is a good sign. Ground up, it was spongy and sticky, which is nice because it rolls easily in a joint. I would keep smoking this.