
member since 2018

Recent Reviews21 total

Sour Maui

So this strain is a fucking incredible. It has your typical Sativa effects but it's different. I will explain later. Now, the smell in this strain is very smooooooooooooth, sweet, and very "tropical" like. The buds looked good too. The taste is exactly how it smells and you can definitely taste the smoothness and the tropical like fruits from this strain. As for the high and how it differs? Well, a lot of Sativas give you this very "tingly" and "muffins baking in the oven" feeling in the head. Well, this one felt more of a "Ocean waters majestically and calmly crashing against the shore, while you sit there, sipping your fruit cocktail laying on the beach, enjoying life. Yeah, you some energy to spare, but you don't want to. You just want to relax, enjoy life while you're high." type of high. This strain can be enjoyed by beginners, cannabis enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Highly recommend this strain!

Sour Power

Alright, let me start off with how the bud looks. The buds were big, beautiful and simply AMAZING. The buds were pointy, it had a pale, yet strong green color. There were some purple hairs on it which made it look that much more amazing. Now the was a ass load of crystals on this bud. It looked like someone got pinch fulls of powdered sugar and put it on this thing. I know this Strain was going to be amazing when I was about to hit it. The bud was extremely sticky too. When I opened the container holding this bud, the second I opened it in the car, my mom said "Jesus! It smells so good!" The thing stunk up the whole car and the smelled lingered for about 45 minutes. Took it home to show to my brothers and sisters, it stunk up the house and the smell stayed for about two hours. Folks, when your bud does this, you KNOW you have good bud. Onto the taste part. Well, the taste was very earthy, "skunky" and "Fuel" like with hints of flower on the exhale, especially through the nose. I loved that about this strain. It took the weirdest combinations and made it work. Now then, the high was just great. Seriously! I felt very relaxed but also in the mood to do some yard work. This strain is somewhat of a rarity but if you happen to find this one at your local dispensary, drop what ever you're buying and get this strain. You will thank me for it.

Master Kush

This Strain is not to be underestimate it. If you're a beginner, I'd recommend that you get experience first before trying this strain out. So, Master Kush smelled very earthy, soft, smooth. Typical of that of your "Kush" strain lineage. There is an abundant of crystals on it as well, so you know that's good. Upon smoking this......HOLY SHIT. THE FUCKING SMOKE THIS STRAIN PRODUCES IS HAAAAAAAAAAARSH. Seriously! I kept on coughing every time I took a hit and the more I coughed, the more high I got. Take it from me, do NOT hit this strain too hard. Now the high amazing. I felt my whole body begin relaxed and ready for bed. For the enthusiast and veterans, this strain should be on your list!

Super Lemon Haze

Alright, this strain is bomb. The smell was a dominant lemon and citrus smell. It smelled fucking amazing and I could not wait to get to smoking it. Smoked it on my favorite bong. The taste was more earthy with hints of lemon, I appreciated that very much. Now the high was amazing, it was all head high. But what do you expect? It's a Sativa. When I was high off this strain, I could FEEL all the cells, particles, molecules and atoms floating around my head making a "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" feeling. It uplifted me to go do things and that was amazing. Folks, try Super Lemon Haze. I suggest you start here if you've never smoked a Sativa before.

Sour Diesel

Ah! The Legendary yet classic, Sour Diesel.. What is to say about this amazing strain? This strain is PHENOMENAL. This strain is an amazing pick me up if you ever need one! Truly a great example of what a Sativa can do for you. When I smelled this strain, it lives up to it's name. I smelled diesel. But with that, I smelled very pungent, earthy aromas as well. This strain STINKS and I love it. The amazing thing about this strain is that it tastes EXACTLY like it smells. Holy shit does it taste exactly how it smells. Now the high was amazing. I felt like there was a tingly/flamey sensation that traveled in a thing line from my stomach, up to my neck and it spread to my head completely. Very minimal body high, but then again this is a Sativa. I definitely felt the head high. I felt uplifted and energetic. I began doing chores and cleaning around the house. But I also felt relaxed, talkative and happy. My mouth was dry and I had the munchies. But I noticed that my mouth was kinda dry as if I just got done eating a bunch of crybaby sour candy. This is where it gets Sour in it's name. Please, do yourself a favor and get this strain.

Head Cheese

Alright, let me just start off and say that the batch I got from my dispensary had a high percentage of THC. But then again, Head Cheese always has a high percentage of THC. But what blew me away is that the batch I got had 55mg of MERCYNE, WHAT. The buds I got where super big too. Now, let's start with the review on this amazing strain. The smell was phenomenal. It had a very pungent, earthy and cheesy smell. To sum it all up, it smelled DANK. So I decide to try this strain out with my gravity bong. Boy did it hit me like a train. It had very Earthy flavors, very "diesel" like too. It was fairly smooth on the exhale as well. Now, the high, damn! I felt like my head was melting like cheese, so was my body. This put my body in a sedative state while my brain felt like air. My favorite hybrid strain. This strain is #1. If you haven't tried Head Cheese before, then you're definitely missing out and I definitely 100% recommend you try this strain out for yourself.

Purple Kush

This strain is a classic.a Truly a great strain. The smell of this strain is smooth, mellow, "grapey" smell with some earthy overtones on it. Let me just say, that this strain tastes exactly like it smells, which is awesome! Especially on the exhale where you taste a hint of lavender. Now the high on this strain is very sedative and very heavy on the body. Which is what an Indica should do. Only plan to smoke this strain before sleep, after work or if you're not planning to do anything for the rest of the day. Seriously, try this strain out!

West OG

So this strain hits smoooooth. The smell is woody, deep, herby and with your typical OG "smell". As I said, this strain his pretty smooth, and the exhale tastes pretty good too. I got a nice and deep body high too. I fell asleep pretty quick as well. Try this out!

Strawberry Lemonade

So this strain is amazing. The smell has a dominant strawberry aroma with a smooth, zesty and citrus fragrance of lemon. The buds that I got were big. Now upon smoking this strain, it was very smooth. I can taste the warm sweetness of strawberry and the lip puck sourness of lemon. The taste on this strain is the BEST. You can really taste the sweetness and the fruits that this strain has. Now the high was amazing. This strain will pick you up, giving you a nice head high with an uplifting, energetic disposition. But then, you really begin to feel a body high, wanting to take a mean long nap. This strain WILL couch and bed lock you. So only smoke this on your day off or when you're not planning to do anything. 10/10

Blue Dream

Ah!....The majestic, incredible and beautiful, Blue Dream! This strain is a GREAT strain for anyone. From beginners/novices, to cannabis connoisseurs. This strain will mellow you out! You will feel that you want to take a nice, big, long nap. Folks, if you haven't tried this strain yet, better yet. If ANYONE who hasn't tried this strain or cannabis in general, you should start HERE.