
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Granddaddy Purple

My wife and I call it “polio weed.” While it may be obvious, I’ll elaborate. After a single hit, my wife was asleep 2 minutes after she laid down. I, on the other hand, the more seasoned veteran, did not fall asleep directly because I was too preoccupied with how to get up and traverse what felt like a mountain of stairs to get to bed. The movie I had started became totally irrelevant. If you’ve ever been to a fair and ridden the Gravitron, you’ll have an idea of what I went through. It was as though my chair was accelerating and I was experiencing G-forces I’d last felt while stuck to the wall of a spinning ufo at the state fair. Time expanded until it was meaningless. I felt like it had been 3 days since I last ate and I needed food badly. I would’ve eaten just about anything but I was too incapacitated to get to the kitchen. I committed myself to the task of getting up and going to bed, but try as I might I was powerless against my already sleeping body. When I finally mustered the strength to do so, my gait was reminiscent of an old leathery drunk. It took what felt like 15 minutes just to make it upstairs. When I finally summited, I wanted to plant a flag on the top step like they do on Mt. Everest. I needed oxygen and was doubtful that I’d make it the final steps into the bedroom and into bed and considered just crashing on the floor at the top of the stairs. Despite my failing muscles I powered through to my objective. I fell asleep almost immediately, neglecting to complete my usual bedtime routine. This stuff was only 18%, but holy hell if felt like a mainline drip of straight thc and morphine. This is definitely a nighttime strain to take seriously. I can only imagine the concern others would have upon seeing a person try to ambulate on GDP in the daytime. My advice: Prepare yourself ahead of time. Gather food, lots of water, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, put on your pj’s and get to where you want to end up; only then should you partake, because it will hit you like a 2x4 to the forehead and send you reeling into the void. The synapses responsible for controlling your legs won’t work and you’ll walk like you did that one time after a six pack, a couple Jack and Cokes and 6 shots of Jagermeister.