
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total


I’m a new marijuana user and while I’d recommend this strain for a seasoned expert, I would advise noobs to stay away for awhile! After 3 hits from my pipe I was nauseated and my chest tightened painfully. At first, I thought my body was rejecting it and just as I said “This was a bad idea,” the fun part kicked in. Jello Legs, slackjaw, heavy eyelids, and lots of laughs. Followed by a bizarre paranoia and memory lapse spiral that lasted about 40 minutes, though it felt like no time had gone by. My previous smoke experience was with year-plus old weed from an iffy source, and this AF Gooey was fresh and way stronger than I expected. VERY powerful stuff — and by the way, I’ve enjoyed it quite a few times since then with similar effects. It’s amazing for pain of all types, and highly recommended if you have a patient friend or SO to help keep you from being too paranoid. Try it, but tread lightly!


Fabulous as an edible component of firecrackers, but less potent for me as a smoke. Eating it got me pretty giggly and wavy, as well as super relaxed. Smoking it was mainly a mellow relaxing feeling. It was great for pain and anxiety, and had a lovely minty taste/scent in the bag. I’m a weed novice and this one was packed a wallop, but was very soothing and gave me no scary side effects. Recommended!