
member since 2015

Recent Reviews1 total


From a growers perspective, this genetic and pheno of Chemdawg is a shot from an european breeder that wanted to replicate what the real Chemdawg came up with. Vigor and lush in vegitative growth and a person could see Indica dominant charicteristics right off the bat. Takes to training very well, adding Sillica to the feeding program allows a grower to give some plyability to the branching to make them more sturdy during scroging or training. High Yeilder, almost 8-10 oz per plant. If nothing else was said about Chemdawg it's a producer. Let it cure. The better the cure on Chemdawg, the more kick-ass stone a person gets. It is off the chart, fist a spacy time warp wash covers your minds eye. A surreal feeling as time and space seem to come to an almost halt. Video gamers and Dungeons and Dragons players will love Chemdawg. Second wave body numbness, after the space trip it takes you electric avenue where you feel great. Aches and pains, the little nagging pains that we come acustomed to go away. Arthritis.. low back,, bad-day, whatever. It does impair quick decision making ability, peeps gonna know your high as fuck. Visine and cologne if you wanna brave the job. One observation on how Chemdawg effects femails is of important note. It's been heralded as the "Game Changer" every man who has ever tried to land a femail has been given a mighty sword to strike back with..You guessed it, Chemdawg. Women and Chemdawg. You can thank me later. For pain relief, a winner. Appitite generation, winner. Space trip stone, winner. Finishes is 8 weeks. Gotta love that. Definatly a carbon scrubber needed.