
member since 2018

Recent Reviews16 total

Maui Wowie

The Gold Standard. This is, seriously, some Alice in Wonderland shit. If you want to close your eyes and trip out, out, OUT - this right here is your strain. Great for deep headphone listening and/or doing floor yoga. I am currently very high. I know this is not unusual for Leafly reviewers - most of these reviews are clearly written by high people, and it's a beautiful thing. I mention it here only because I am currently bobbing and floating on glistening waves of Maui Wowie for the first time in nearly three decades. My first encounter with Maui Wowie was in college, in the early 1990s, and holy sweet googly-moogly did it ever fuck me up in a super-positive way. I had one hit, given to me by the guy who lived across the dorm hall from me, and I kid you not, I had to crawl back across the hall to my own room on my hands and knees, I was so freaking high. Oh, but it was a night to remember! 'Twas the first time I'd ever smoked any weed that convinced me I was going to spend the rest of my life in a mental hospital. I just knew that I had really gone over the edge this time, that my conscious was so completely expanded and distorted that I would never fit back into a human brain again and resume normal life. Holy shit I was wasted. I think I spent a good two hours just staring down at a cup of tea I was holding, convinced beyond all reason that I was actually looking down at a lake from an airplane flying at a height of 20,000 feet. And this was all before I turned into a caterpillar and ate an entire orange, peel and all. Suffice it to say, I was nervous about ever trying Maui Wowie again. I can gladly report that my fears were unfounded. Whatever wild trip I had as a college student, I can sense now that it was all good, because I'm truly JUST AS FUCKED UP NOW and am enjoying every second of it. I really do believe this is the best strain ever grown. Of course, I also know that nearly every Leafly review has some blissed-out stoner saying exactly the same thing about whatever strain they're high on at the moment. (And it's fucking awesome, isn't it?) But I'm serious here. I really can't recall any high I've ever had that's as good as this Maui Wowie, except for that time I smoked Maui Wowie in college. IT REALLY IS AS GOOD AS I REMEMBER! Especially recommended for creative professionals (you know who you are.) This shit will bend your light waves into surprising new colors. Try it out!

White Fire OG

Tasty flower with a smooth polished high. Excellent cerebral effects - I love watching science videos on this stuff, it allows me to understand what the scientists are talking about! —suffused with a happy-warm body high which makes every breath feel like a sunrise over a clear mountain lake. Yes, it's really that good. Do yourself a favor and give it a try!

Dr. Who

If I vaped this herb and had to guess what its name was, I'd probably guess "Conquering Lion," because it really does feel like a big warm fluffy green lion has just laid down on you and started purring.

White Tahoe Cookies

This is some no-drama weed. If you want to truly mellow out, without any hallucinatory shenanigans or mental fireworks, this is your strain. I call this the "plain brown bag" of highs, and that is by all means meant as high praise. White Tahoe Cookies makes me feel eminently at home in my own skin, comfortable as a cat curled up on a beige bean bag chair in a wood-paneled room with a crackling fireplace and the sound of gentle rain spattering on the windows with someone in another room strumming a sweet melody on a finely tuned acoustic guitar. We'll never know what weed Bilbo and Gandalf smoked together in Middle Earth, but I'll bet you anything it was *this*. Added bonus: if you're a vegan and you miss the taste of butter - this strain well and truly does taste like warm buttery sugar cookies fresh out of the oven.

Paris OG

My new favorite Indica. All the benefits of a classic purple strain – relaxation, pain relief, and a beautiful high that will make you feel like your mind and soul are growing roots into the sweet, life-giving earth. I’ve also noticed that it does *not* give me the munchies like other indicas do; i’m finally beginning to shed those extra pounds I gained eating all those midnight snacks after a hit of bedtime grand daddy purple!

Forbidden Fruit

Just vaped a half gram of Forbidden Fruit and i’m having one of those “where has THIS BEEN all my life?“ moments .. As somebody who’s had generalized anxiety disorder most of my life, I could not have believed any Indica could rollover you in such a powerful and loving way to wipe away your anxieties and put you in a state of happy, self content relaxation IMMEDIATELY. But this is it. Forbidden Fruit lives up to the hype - the strain is true medicine. As other users have noted, the strain will give you body relaxation and a calm and clear mind. No groggy narcotic effect, just a sense of feeling comfortable in your skin, like a lizard sprawled out on a warm sunny rock. And yes, It really smells and tastes amazing; cheese and pine needles and grapefruit and warm blueberry pie. GIve Forbidden Fruit a try - you won’t be disappointed!

3 Kings

What an aptly named strain! Three Kings will give you gifts of wisdom. Body wisdom, soul wisdom, mind wisdom. I shit you not, my fellow earthlings: this strain will light up your chakras from root to crown like a rainbow Christmas tree, and I am an atheist who doesn’t believe in any of that hippie shit. Breathing becomes not just easier, but joyous. You feel your muscles loosening and you will probably start spontaneously stretching like a cat, luxuriating in the feel of your own physical being. Insoluble problems will suddenly appear quite fixable; The biggest motherfuckers in your life will suddenly transform into Zen lessons. You will be able to summon positive thought forms and visualize a better future for yourself, at the same time feeling supremely content right here in the present —paradoxical as that may sound, it is glorious. This strain is as good for dancing or yoga as it is for having a deep conversations and meditating on where you want to be five years from now. The experience is as humble as dirt and as exalted as the stars. Yes, it really is that good! Don’t expect psychedelic fireworks with this one - Three Kings is all about finding your center and radiating joy. (If you do want to take a trip to the Twilight Zone, stick with something like Gelato or Maui Wowie) . Let me also add, I am diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder. There are certain strains I’ve learned to avoid because they can sometimes throw me into a depressive episode or an anxiety attack. Three Kings is one of the few strains I can rely on always to soothe my anxiety and lift my brain out of the pit of depression and into sunlight.

Skywalker OG

Yes, the force is strong with this one, but it also has a dark side.. Skywalker OG usually sends me on a smooth ride to a cozy place of ease and comfort, and is especially good for insomnia. You will feel like a three-year-old kid slipping into your onesie pajamas and crawling into a warm bed. However - one night after vaping A particularly deep hit,, I launched into a full-blown anxiety attack that had me seriously considering checking into an ER. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, and cannabis almost always helps me feel less anxious, but there are some strains out there that will occasionally flip me the other way and trigger a bad trip. Storewalker OG unfortunately is one of those strains. I say this for the benefit of any other cannabis connoisseurs who also suffer from anxiety: this is a great strain that will lift you into a state of ease and contentment, but a flower that is capable of bringing you complete bliss is also capable of making you feel like a shivering baby Chihuahua. Just know this, if you do get a bad trip off of Skywalker OG, it will pass quickly, in under 30 minutes. Whatever you do during this minor freak out, don’t flush your weed down the toilet. Just tell yourself that your nervous system is running a systems check on itself. The squealing feedback will fade and be replaced by beautiful music. You will eventually start to breathe easier, your heart rate will return to normal (it actually wasn’t pumping that fast anyhow) and you will begin to feel that sweet warm bliss flowing into you. At this point you will probably chuckle, say “wow“ and want to take a second hit. Now aren’t you glad you didn’t flush your Skywalker OG down the toilet?

Green Crack

This strain deserves a classier name, to better advertise its majestic effects. Something Like Green Laser, or Green Unicorn, or Quetzalcoatl, or Pegasus, or... Well, you get the idea. Something fast, intelligent, beautiful, superhuman. This strain will put you in a frame of mind to make five-year plans, evaluate your deepest desires, and brainstorm strategies for achieving your desires. It's not a speedy, racing-thoughts, "crack" effect; it's a profoundly calm mental peace that allows the waters of the mind to grow still and turn transparent as crystal. You become the Benevolent Empress of your own destiny. You understand that there are no problems, only solutions. And most importantly, there is no shame in your game. The critical inner voices disappear, and you realize that *you* are your own best friend, and that you can succeed at whatever you choose to turn your amazing mind to. Needless to say, this is a great strain for writers, artists, musicians and anybody who wants to engage in creative/intellectual pursuits. Seriously, Leafly readers, we need to come up with a better name than "Green Crack!"

Harborside - Oakland

Harborside always carries a huge selection of classic and new strains, all high quality, at price points to fit everybody's budget. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and the vibe is the exact opposite of a skeevy "head shop" - it's more like a cross between the produce aisle at Whole Foods and the gift shop at a planetarium. And there's PARKING! No matter what your cannabis needs are, you'll leave satisfied!