
member since 2014

Recent Reviews4 total

OG Kush

I picked up some OG Kush the other day and decided to try it out tonight. Being a lightweight and this being a new strain to me, I smoked a very small joint (.1g) to myself after a walk to a nearby convenience store (1-2 minutes from home) and then went home. I felt the effects almost immediately - after a minute or so of walking I felt what some may describe as a body buzz (I'm not super experienced so I'm not sure if that's what this was) I felt very light, as if I was walking on a cloud or just floating. It didn't cause me to stumble or anything, and I made it home fine. I walked in about 5 minutes after finishing my pinner, fiending for the pomegranate that I had prepared before leaving in anticipation of getting the munchies. Unfortunately, my mom asked me to help her with the laundry unexpectedly, so I went straight to the basement and started sorting hangers and folding hot towels from the dryer. Among the metal wire hangers and couple wooden ones was this weird matte-plastic hanger that really tripped me out when I touched it. The feeling of it seemed so unnatural to me that I actually stopped and asked my mom to feel it and tell me if it felt weird (she said it didn't). The towels were fresh from the dryer, so they were pretty hot, and they made my hands/fingers tingle as I was folding them. By the time I'd finished the laundry, it'd been about 20 minutes since I finished smoking. Just as I finished, the thought of a cucumber popped into my head for no reason, and the taste filled my mouth. I could imagine it so vividly that on my way up to my room I grabbed an entire cucumber and brought it upstairs to eat with my pomegranate. I devoured the cucumber, ate the entire bowl of pomegranate, then ate the half bag of chips that was sitting on my computer desk, along with a litre of Pepsi. I then frantically ran around my house desperately looking for more food. It's about time to go grocery shopping, so the house is pretty much dry. I found a stray package of cookies with 5-10 left, killed those, and then gave up on my search. I spent the rest of my night playing video games (League of Legends), telling a close friend of mine how important she was to me and that she was gorgeous after she asked me how I thought of her looks when I mentioned that another friend told me to try and date her after seeing some of her pictures. I was really affectionate and at the same time really enjoying my League matches, playing with her and a few other friends. That consisted of the next few hours of my night, and I'm here about 5 hours after that joint very satisfied with my high. I had a short spurt of anxiety (I'm diagnosed with panic disorder, so finding good strains of weed is tricky) but it went away quickly. Other than that, I have no complaints. I recommend this strain, if and only if you have sufficient food because the munchies I got from this weed was ridiculous.

Great White Shark

Rolled a pinner/joint with about .2g of Great White Shark, a bit more than I usually roll with because I was out of GWS and so was the person I bought it from, so this would be the last time I'd smoke it until I found it again (if ever). Smoked it in my friend's backyard sitting on some lawn chairs just talking about our week and such. I suffer from bad anxiety and even when I get a strain that is good for my anxiety, I often overthink things at the start of a high and stir up anxiety anyway. GWS never aggravated my anxiety, but I'd sometimes freak myself out when smoking it. This time I felt no anxiety at all. I smoked half of it (the person I was with quit weed) and put it out, and made some more small talk. We then turned on my camera and played different beats on his phone while he freestyled over them and made videos of it. I'd be beside him dancing and doing silly things like we were in a music video. After a little while, we went inside to get my friend his dinner as he hadn't ate yet. I felt relaxed and had that "dumb" high feeling that's hard to explain. However, the exchange I had with his mother will help anyone who's had that feeling understand right away: I said "hi!" to her, she said hello, and I just looked at her for a good 5-10 seconds and then walked away (normally I'd follow up with a how are you or something, but my mind went blank). I thought that was kinda funny afterward. My friend ate and we went back outside to make more videos. Being about an hour after I smoked the first half of the joint, I smoked the rest of it. I was having a blast being pretty much a hype man for my friend's rap videos and doing a bit of dumb freestyling myself. I laughed at a lot of things and ended up eating an entire bag of chips. I was really enjoying the chips, I definitely had the munchies, but for a short while I felt a bit sick. Not like I was going to puke, just that I should stop eating. But I continued and finished the bag, and a bottle of Pepsi, without feeling more sick. The night continued the same and I eventually went home. I got home 3-4 hours after I got to his house and I was quite tired, and ended up going to bed about an hour after I got home. I slept through my alarm in the morning and missed school. Worth it though, a great night with the last bit of one of my favourite weed strains!

Great White Shark

I bought a gram or two of a strain of weed whose name I didn't bother to ask for. I'm a lightweight, and have only been smoking small amounts (.1 - .3 grams) at a time to avoid over-smoking and causing me to trip too much because I've been doing that a bit too much recently, and also so I don't waste all my weed at once. I've smoked this weed about 5-8 times now, the first half of those times being hit out of a pipe or bubbler, and the past 4 times being from pinners rolled with just .1g. Hit from a pipe or bubbler, I remember my highs being great. Relaxed, but not super tired, and very euphoric. Made it easier to enjoy a movie or game and also made lots of things funny (even though they often weren't very funny), lots of giggling, and impaired my typing and texting a little bit, which is a point at which I know that I'm high enough to stop smoking and enjoy myself, but that I could still probably smoke a bit more and get more fucked up. With this strain, I've never pushed it that far, because I've been smoking lightly as I mentioned. I'd hit this in my pipe or bubbler, go inside and play some League of Legends. Making stupid decisions like taking bad champs for the wrong roles and building stupidly is one of my favourite things to do high, and that's what I'd do after smoking this weed, every time. I found it fun to experiment and when I'd die and screw things up as a result of my dumb champ/role picks I'd find it hilarious. It would be hard to bring my mood down while I'm high on this weed. If smoked in a very small joint, it gave me a strange sensation in my body. As I'd walk, I'd feel my loose pant legs touching each other and felt like it wasn't the fabric over my leg I was feeling, it was just my leg. Hard to explain. It made me feel like my body was very transparent - that's the best word I can think of the describe it. Even though it didn't clear my head (and probably did the opposite as weed usually does), my head felt transparent, clear, weightless as if my brain wasn't in there anymore. It was an interesting experience with all of the feelings I'd have in my body, but it didn't provoke my anxiety at all (most highs that make my body physically feel weird trigger massive panic attacks). I'd become much more talkative, although my mouth would go dry (after the first or second pinner I found myself refusing to smoke them without a drink on me). My mood wouldn't be very elevated, but I'd feel content with whatever I was doing. Because I was only taking a few hits of a .1g joint, these highs were very modest, and as you can see by how the high was when I'd smoke more in a pipe or bubbler, the amount (and perhaps method) you smoke really does make a huge difference. I'm not sure how you'd feel if you smoked a very large amount.

Critical Mass

Had a joint rolled with some Critical Mass that a friend had purchased. Took 4-6 hits from that joint and told him that was all I needed, being a lightweight. We were in his car driving around and making small talk afterwards, him driving and me in the passenger seat. I was laid back and very relaxed. I felt high, but not in a "wow I'm high" sense, just that I was very relaxed, slow moving, and content with everything going on. After about a half hour, I decided I wanted to go from the buzz/laid back high I was riding to actually high, seeing as I was with an old friend and he had almost an ounce of weed, I wasn't really being a burden by smoking more. I told him I'd rather hit it in my bubbler, so we drove to my house and grabbed it. He decided he'd hit the bubbler too, rather than smoke his own joint. I explained to him that I was a lightweight and that if I smoked too much I'd trip too hard and freak out (I am diagnosed with Panic Disorder so finding weed that agrees with my anxiety is super important to me), but he insisted it was fine and packed me a huge bowl. He was smoking me up after all, so I just took it. I tried my best to clear the bowl but I couldn't. After a huge hit that didn't even clear it, I handed it to him, telling him to clear it because that was enough for me and I was gonna be coughing for a few minutes anyway. He cleared it, packed his own bowl, smoked that, and then asked if we were done. I told him to pack me a very small bowl that would be my last one and, again, he packed a huge one. Same thing - tried my best, took a huge hit but couldn't clear it, and gave it to him to clear after a coughing fit. We then took back to cruising, listening to music, and catching up with each other. This lasted about 15-20 minutes, during which we stopped at a gas station where I stumbled and laughed a lot while he filled up a tire of his that was low on air, went back to cruising and then the trip began. My tongue went numb, which for me is the trademark first sign of a bad trip. My legs, arms, and hands went numb shortly after, and a panic attack hit me pretty hard. Yelling at my friend to take me home, I took .5mg of clonazepam to stop the trip, and sipped on the drink I'd brought with me (non-alcoholic) while we made our way to my house. It took me about 30-45 minutes to come down to a point where he felt comfortable leaving me at home alone, which is a bit longer than most of my bad trips last, likely due to the size of the bowls he packed me. Most of my friends have told me that the trip I described here is their favourite kind of trip, and that they find it very hard to achieve. Well, I'll tell you that with Critical Mass, that trip's very easy to reach. Although I am a lightweight, I didn't smoke a whole lot (definitely no more than a gram), so someone with a regular tolerance wouldn't have much trouble reaching that point. If you like that kind of high, this is definitely some great weed for you. It's potent and gets the job done. However, if you've got anxiety like me, you may want to avoid it - unless you still like that type of high. I've kept my eye open since then to avoid smoking this strain at all costs, but the person in my city that is selling it is keeping it stocked because it's very popular. An awful strain for me, but a fantastic one for any smokers without any considerable anxiety.