
member since 2015

Recent Reviews12 total


GSC in all its many forms is a 'go-to' bud. Meaning that it is always an intense head, with many delightful sensory and physical effects that vary (tingling is a favorite), a strong positive impact on my mood, and a nice, characteristic flavor in the bowl, like pastry or like GSC, you decide. Girl Scout Cookies (there should be such a badge, for Eagle Scouts!) is very cookie-ish (IOW: doughey, before baking).BTW no headaches may gain admission, if you have the same problem as I have. Wacky wacky, time-screwed, happy, stinky-cookie playtime. IOW: fun shit, and then it wears off. Next time I'll use a bong for even greater effect! Recently (summer 2016) I have come across a series of very kind GSC and hybrids, each stronger and more interesting than the last. Peppermint Cookies, Coogies, Mint Cookies, Pink Cookies, Pearl Scout Cookies, and others have all a taste of just-baked, slightly dough-ey sweetness to them, and a punch of macho-THC stoniness, with an almost immediate buoyant cheerful optimism alongside. Strong. Tingly. Welcome. Noobies take care, but this is what cannabis is all about. Fun, fun, fun. All GSC from basic 'forum cut' and up the delicacy list give me that basic pumped-up, laugh-prone, industrious relaxation, and a tingly thing up my spine, toes, ears, that never fails to please. I recommend it. Smoking it. Vaping it. Growing it, especially. Yes, please sir, can you grow some more? A really fun, happy, beautiful strain--and that's before you smoke, then it's bliss...

Fweedom Cannabis in Seattle

I love former dispensaries! They know how to do business. A bit old-school, with high-security measures in place (you can't just flash an ID and walk in to a large selling space, but wait your turn upon white leather couches, tropical fish, and better magazines than at any dentists' office), nonetheless they seem to have curated a bunch of lovely bud and wax at better than average prices. That is what I shop for these days: quality! The price may vary 5-10% among good 502 shops, but the quality here does not. Even their basic/budget bags reward. Happy customer, by now at least 6-7 times.

Pearl Scout Cookies

One of the best of the old-school, foundational strains, GSC in all its many forms is a 'go-to' bud. Meaning that it is always an intense head, with many delightful sensory and physical effects that vary (tingling is a favorite), a strong positive impact on my mood, and a nice, characteristic flavor in the bowl, like pastry or like GSC, you decide. Pearl Scout Cookies (there should be such a badge!) is very cookie-ish (IOW: doughey, before baking).BTW no headaches may gain admission, if you have the same problem as I have. Wacky wacky, time-screwed, happy, stinky-cookie playtime. IOW: fun shit, and then it wears off. Next time I'll use a bong for even greater effect! Recently (summer 2016) I have come across a series of very kind GSC and hybrids, each stronger and more interesting than the last. Peppermint Cookies, Coogies, Mint Cookies, Pink Cookies, Pearl Scout Cookies, and others have all a taste of just-baked, slightly dough-ey sweetness to them, and a punch of macho-THC stoniness, with an almost immediate buoyant cheerful optimism alongside. Strong. Tingly. Welcome. Noobies take care, but this is what cannabis is all about. Fun, fun, fun. All GSC from basic 'forum cut' and up the delicacy list give me that basic pumped-up, laugh-prone, industrious relaxation, and a tingly thing up my spine, toes, ears, that never fails to please. I recommend it. Smoking it. Vaping it. Growing it, especially. Yes, please sir, can you grow some more? A really fun, happy, beautiful strain--and that's before you smoke, then it's bliss...


Space-berries? These are them. Tasty as a J, and silly weed with bright colors. Not mutch of an appetite, but I could lick a few lids of mustard, or multi-decaduish tamari. Tingly-berry, I'd name this strain if I could. Very berry, silly, tweaky, bounc-ey even. I'd love to steal at 6" cutting, you know.

Peppermint Cookies

Had a brother visit from NYC, took him on the 502-store tour. Dear brother has a nice income, so dropping $100 every other day on top shelf grams is a no-brainer for him. And he likes to share. SO: Peppermint Cookies! Oh, peppermint! oh, cookies! Oh, I think I forgot to park the cat. One hit (he likes to share, but also frugal) and I was dancing. Singing, off-key. Telling any cat my secrets. This was Gold Leaf Gardens, via a very nice long glass pipe. Later, I polished all my antique pocketknives and sent a half dozen political-activist emails. And the cat: she knows something's up: followed me, making frequent eye contact and various skeptical vocalizations. Yes, this is some sharp, short, shizzingly good green-mead. Not cheap, but wow oh pow-wow, some of the best in many months. Get some, esp. if you can get the GLG brand. (EDIT: only this, their sweet-sting-ey variety)

Dutch Treat

Some other site's 'strain-personality calculator' told me Dutch Treat was A1 for my type of mind/mood. Skeptically, I followed that advice and inhaled a .6 g DT pre-roll laced with DT kief. Yes, Virginia, I received what a web-app promised. Uplift, energy, much verbal-imaginative-intellectual activity, 'euphoria' (I still don't know what that means; maybe like well just "I feel great/happy/calm/totally non-threatened"? Dunno, but that is my special word for when cannabis works the way I think it ALWAYS should, makes me feel good in just that way. Oh: I went back the other site's calculator again (I only tonight discovered Leafly has an even more detailed and flexible search tool), this time (alas) for migraine pain: not A1, but Dutch Treat was 3rd in line. Tried again and yep, 18 minutes into a headache I hit 3 big and 2 little tokes on another DT-kief preroll, and the pain was tolerable in about a minute, reduced by >50% in 135 seconds, and gone-baby-gone (good riddance, ya think?) in less than 5 minutes. These headaches average about 75 minutes, so that is something (and yes, there are two other strains I count on for this medical purpose, Ewok and Northern Lights, but when the pain's gone, the DT is a nicer slice of "Hi there! High there?" (at least in daytime when I need to get things done). So: Dutch Treat is great fun and (for me) good medicine. The kief surely pushed up the THC content past 30%, but I find generally since that first homegrown leaf joint in 1978, the blend of cannabinoids and terpenes, and whatever else is in there, is far more important. So 'plain' 20% weed is to me just as good as the same weed with its own kief added to raise the THC to 30+. This I think we mostly all know, who have partaken more than 50 times or so (in fact, about half the time I buy C. that is labelled as 15% or less but a strain I know well or comes recomennded by someone who reef-ormation I can rely on, even at the same price as weed with 20-24% THC. People on Rx Marinol or Sativex who have any prior experience with our plant majorly complain that the pharmaceuticals don't work as well, and sometimes make them feel worse, since they contain only THC (no CBD, CBG, CBC, THCV, or terpenes).

Alien Walker

Wokka wokka? Huh? Whazzat? Ewok, that is (another bear, in fact), which is a nice silly light-headed, very musical, happy&free, "heydudeisthatapizza"? kind of head, and then, "ooh this satin embroidered cushion from Branson MO is the softest thing I have ever felt". Went something like that. Supposed to feel sleepy now (don't, comfy, and prolly would snooze if I smoked more than that qtr. gram), but I could use a nice hot cocoa (with HM marshmallows and cinnamon and cloves and anise and maybe some butter cookies. . .use half-and-half!)* This. Is. Nice (the kindest kind). Very nice. More please! *the munchies aspect is prolly just me. Almost all cannabis makes me a temporary-Foodie. YMMV, but Ewok is not especially mastication-inducing. **update 2/3: I'm raising my rating to 5 stars, havings purchased and partially consumed another several grams of Ewok, from a different grower and different store, all of which tells me that I have found a winner and it wasn't just dumb luck that the first two (different growers again and different stores). Third time's the charm! Love those hairy little bears!

Super Lemon Haze

Super lemon aroma, followed by super zippy busy happy head. Yay. Not a fan of other Haze cultivars, but this girl is special. Sweet, heady smell and taste, and a strong sativa uplift. More limonene than you can shake a plastic lemon at. Made me a believer in the salutary effects of terpenes. Busy bee, busy bee, stop and browse another flower. . .

Super Silver Haze

Another sativa booster: energy, with a body buzz (literally, I can almost hear it. Like a happy tingly type of temporary tinnitus). Dense hard buds with a strong classic sativa aroma. If you like Sour Diesel, SSH will do the trick as well.

Sour Diesel

Strong, and lively. Definitely an "up" head, with some nice physical effects (tingly, warm, a pleasant vertigo-like sensation). Made the tip of my tongue numb, which is always a good sign for me. One of my top five strains (me being a 53 y.o. veteran pothead (remember seeds? $1 'loose' joints? Washington Square Park 'trey' bags in tiny manila envelopes?) who took a long hiatus from cannabis 1998-2013). Something the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers would have smoked a lot of. Silly and exhilarating. An up high, with energy, imagination, humor, and much tastiness. Like it, much.