
member since 2014

Recent Reviews11 total

Main Street Marijuana - Vancouver

I came in for a first time visit and was overwhelmed by the amount of people inside, it was chaotic to say the least. The prices were fair and the tenders seemed to be nice people. But be warned, check your order before you leave the store. I made the mistake of not doing so and got ripped off on half my order. When i called to let them know what happened, i was treated like a criminal and was told "sorry dude, but we dont give out free pot" in an extremely patronizing tone. I understand where he is coming from, but no need to speak to someone that way. As far as the quality of product, its nothing special. Its your average weed. With all the other options available, i would recommend checking out another shop. If you are looking for the top shelf stuff, seek elsewhere. If you just want an experience, then you should go.


It's been a while since I have found a strain worth reviewing and this is it. First of all, this is not a one hit wonder. I just took my first hit of the session (min 1) and I feel no effects other than a tingle in my nose. The flavor on the other hand, is right where I like it. It is superbly smooth and has a strong, yet not overwhelming, pepper flavor with a hint of spice. I have taken my third hit (min 4) at this point and I do feel a bit of an energy boost but of the antsy variety. As in I feel like I'm wasting my buzz writing this review when I could be playing an instrument or playing in the rain, or both. See what I mean. I just took a monster, in hopes of getting the full effect of the strain, and I can say that I'm starting to get a little buzzed. Naturally, since this is a Sativa, it would be tough to get that couch lock feeling and I don't expect to find it. At this point I'm six or seven hits in (lost count, go figure) and it's been about 10 minutes all together. I am without a doubt feeling very relaxed. The antsy feeling has been replaced with just a "smooth buzz." There are bits of euphoria and my senses are elevated. This would be a great concentrate to pick up for date night. From a medical stand point, and speaking from my own perspective, it's wonderful. I can still feel the aches in my body, but they are not aching. If that doesn't make sense to you then it probably doesn't apply to you (congrats!). Although I do not feel much arthritic relief. I can see this working great for people with anxiety despite what I said about the coming on of the buzz. The early onset of feeling antsy quickly went away. All in all, pick this up if you come across it.

Kosher Kush

I have had this strain several times and in different forms as well. This however, is a review on a concentrate form of the Kosher Kush. This particular batch comes with a slightly different flavor than of that which I am used to smoking. It does have it's chemical/diesel flavor, but there is a "tone" of a soapy chemical. Since the concentrate itself is of the highest quality, I must assume that soapy flavor occurs naturally. There is also a hint of pine throughout the after taste which could possibly be the cause of the soap flavor. It is important to note that the soap flavor is not overwhelming, if anything it is very subtle. The most overwhelming flavor is diesel/chem taste. The high is a relaxed, meditative state of couch lock. If you've done this before then you will have no problem "functioning" but at the same time you can find what you're looking for in an herb. Do not over use Kos if you are a novice. The Kos concentrate is a strain that will induce "the fear."


This is a very interesting strain in terms of flavor. I am having some trouble trying to pinpoint exactly what it is. My initial reaction was peach, but it wasn't overwhelming. Possibly apricot, but to be honest I don't eat enough of them to know the difference. But if you take a decent hit, and close your eyes as you exhale slowly, you can truly begin to taste what this strain has to offer. The best way I can describe this taste would be to say it's like eating a green apple jolly rancher with a pink starbust..... tested. And for a brief moment you can picture a ball of cotton candy. But sad to say, it does not come with the sweetness of such a combination. There is an off flavor in there that keeps this strain humble. Pungent, in this case, is an excellent adjective. Now for most important part. In terms of the high, not so much. Yeah, I've got a buzz, but that's all it is. As far as medicinal value, about the same. It's provided some arthritis relief, but personally I wouldn't consider this a go to. I can not speak for other symptoms or conditions at this particular time. Luckily I'm only experiencing inflammation at the moment. If you want a strain for flavor, this is a good choice. Just be sure you've got a solid palate or you will miss out on the subtle, "hidden" flavors. Personally, the cookies aren't doing much for me in terms of the high. I just powered through about ten dabs and I'm still just buzzing. I will say that I am relaxed. So it's got that going for it.... or maybe I should cut back. ........Hope this helps you make an informed choice.


As a write this review I feel it's important to note that I am watching Blues Brothers (original) and that it could possibly affect the effects of this strain.... psychology is fun, isn't it? On a side note, Aretha gets me every time. The first hit had two prominent flavors, a sweet citrus with a hint of pine. Granted I was distracted by the film so I did not concentrate enough to really pull out the flavors. The next few dabs delivered the same result. Seems to be consistent flavor.... delicious. The first few hits, without a doubt, got me buzzed and I felt immediate relief of my arthritis symptoms (joints in fingers). There is not much more I can say in terms of medicinal use. The arthritis is the only thing I am experiencing at this time..... Dab #4: This particular hit got me. I overdid this one and took a rather large dab. Right away I experienced flushing and briefly broke a sweat (few seconds). In terms of the high, it is very subtle. I am high, but without the negative mental effects. I am able to focus and my thoughts are clear. I would feel comfortable in any social or professional situation. On the flip side, the coughing has given me a scratchy throat. But at the same time it serves me right for taking such a big hit....... excuse me for a moment, I need to shake my tail feather.... Dab #7: An average to medium size hit. This hit introduced some spice to the citrus, but it still had it's sweetness. I suppose the spice and the pine compliment each other. I have to say, this is a fantastic strain all around. The flavor is robust with very nice complimenting tastes within. The high is excellent; it's happy, energetic, and just simply makes you feel good. I would strongly recommend for day time use. The medicinal properties seem to be active in this strain as well. Mind you, the only symptom I was experiencing at the time of this review was arthritis in my fingers. I achieved immediate relief. Thanks for reading this review, I hope this helps you make an informed choice....

Deadhead OG

As I start the review process I can honestly say that after the first dab I could feel the effects within a minute (it is important to note that I rarely feel the effects after the first hit). Granted, I'm not stoned but I definitely got a "head tap." The flavor itself, based on the first hit, was an abundant diesel. The second hit brought on a subtle piney/mint taste. But I can't quite out my finger on it. The third hit came with even more confusion. As I take my next (insert pause here), I am overwhelmed with a "chemical" taste. I hate to use chemical as a flavor, seeing as it's such a general term, but that's what i get. Overall, the flavor is abundantly chemical with undertones of pine and ammonia saturated in "sweet" diesel (sweet as in flavor, not "awesome dude!"). At this point I'm about 6 or 7 dabs in. Normally I would be high by now, but aside from the initial buzz, sad to say I'm just okay...... Now I'm at 10 or so, having taken several hits in rapid succession. This is a great high! I have literally become stupid. It's taken me about five minutes to write the last two sentences, not because I didn't know what to say, but because I couldn't stop staring at the screen. I mean, just staring. The only downside is how much I had to smoke in order to get to this point. As it seems to be leveling out as well. But needless to say, effective communication and Dead Head OG don't compliment one another........... Okay, now that I'm back :) From a medicinal point of view I tried Dh to relieve my back pain. From a one to ten scale I was at a four, nothing serious. I can honestly say the pain subsided, and if anything it simply dulled the pain. But I do have a slight headache, almost as if I'm crashing from the high. Or I might need to drink some water. Overall this is a nice strain. The high is fantastic, euphoric and tranquil. If only it didn't take so much to get there. Medicinally, it dulls slight pain and loosens (joints) you up. But risks include a slight, short lived headache. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you make an informed choice. These opinions are based solely on my experience as I wrote this review.....

Qrazy Train

The first few hits have a very interesting flavor. It's earthy, but has a lot of subtle undertones that I can't quite put my finger on. Hints of diesel with hints of "dirty grape." As my palate adjusts :) and I take a moment to recover from a slight case of the giggles, the next few hits begin to bring out a sweet citrus taste with peppered earthy undertones. This is a fantastic strain in terms of flavor and it comes with a solid high. The high is slightly euphoric, with a touch of the spins. This strain is not a PED, by any standard. Unless doing nothing was the competition. Medicinally, keeping in mind this can only be measured from personal experience, it's not for me. It seems to give me the "wobbles" and I will probably take my time getting up, if and when I decide to do so. There also isn't much relief of my symptoms, but on the upside I don't care about them either. I would recommend this strain for its flavor variety. If you want a strain that will taste different but the same every time you step up, this is the one. *if you're reading this, please keep in mind that this "critique" was measured over multiple doses in a short period of time. Thanks for reading! Legalize it! And make cigarettes illegal (it'll help me quit)



LA Confidential


Kosher Kush
