
member since 2020

Recent Reviews3 total

Sour Diesel

What an amazing strain. I was having a super bad week and was kinda starting to feel it. Picked up a cart of this, took a few big hits before I got in the shower and dayyyyyum! I felt it kicking in when all my stress and anger started to melt away. What a HUGE relief, it was like 100 pounds was lifted off my shoulders. I found myself going from being negative to positive real quick, which turned that frown upside down, fast! Annnnd that shower turned out to be AMAZING. It was so good I almost forgot to wash my body off b/c I felt cleansed or something! Thank goodness I have a tankless/ constant hot water heater, I was in that shower for a looooong time! :) I felt like a new person when I got out. 100% worth it, definitely recommend.

Dirty Taxi

I’m in love! This stain kicks my ADHD in the A$$. I was having an incredibly bad day, stressed to the max, overwhelmed and ready to go Hulk on the wrong MFR that set me off. I was about to blow up on the ones closest to me and realized I needed to smoke asap, it was bad. Ran to dispensary bought this strain b/c reviews said it calms people. And HELL yeah it does. It completely turned my dark day around into one of the best day/ dates I’ve ever had with my wife. We talked, laughed and caught up for hours. I was happy, focused on her and plain happy to be present without a single drop of stress or anger! Wow. I’m still impressed. I’m so thankful I randomly picked this up on what could have been a potentially really bad day, it changed everything! Definitely my top 3 must have. Probably like #1, then Green Crack @ Jack Herrer.

Jack Herer

Oh Jack, you’re so good to me! I LOVE JH for a few reasons. 1.) Very light head buzz with clear thinking, body buzz is fantastic. After a long hard day of physical labor JH gives my muscles a massage from the inside and eases away stress, anxiety and irritability. 2.) I don’t find myself snapping at my kids (3 of them) I actually laugh when they’re just being a kid. I’m not “ inconvenienced” when they need something or want my attention when I’m worn out from work. I get in the floor and play with them. We have a good time until it’s their bedtime. 3.) When it’s bedtime I’ll take a little more, my body starts to feel incredibly relaxed, free and loose. Next thing I know, I’m turned on to the max! When my wife and I have SEX I feel like I’m in my young 20’s again. My whole body feels aroused, it’s an incredible erotic experience. The orgasm is mind blowing every time, and lasts for a lot longer than normal!! I can’t get enough of that feeling honestly. And the quality of sleep is second to none. JH takes care of your sore muscles while your asleep. I wake up feeling refreshed, ready to start another day. 4.) I feel like JH makes me a better person. It’s not intoxicating (unless you smoke a whole lot) I use a vape pen, 1 hit when I want to function like regular in the world. 2-4 hits at bed time is just right for me! I use Elite brand cartridges, full spectrum!