
member since 2018

Recent Reviews4 total


Wonderful ! Remedy creates almost instant calm and peace of mind. I suffer from BPD and tend to over analyze everything. However, with this strain my mind is clear and I am able to calm down. This might be suitable for those that have anxiety and insomnia issues.

Great White Shark

Great White Shark with CBD (12%) from San Rafael bought at the SQDC. I’m very sensitive to THC but for some reason this strain was great - as long as I didn’t smoke too much. Very relaxing, very soothing. If negative thoughts come to mind Great White Shark says : so what? ( “ puis après? “ En bon québécois ). This helps with BPD - the intrusive thoughts become much less important and my mind is able to concentrate on what really matters. There is an initial slight head high but after 10-15 minutes it’s gone. What’s left is relaxation. I wouldn’t do complicated tasks with this strain because is does slow down the mind, at least for me. Eventually, I get sleepy and fall asleep quickly. If I wake up in the middle of the night, a few hits of this strain (alone!) gets me back to sleep in minutes. This is the kind of strain you would have before bed/ evening or mixed with an energizing strain to maintain focus, keep alert but still feel calm. I medicated a bit this morning with Cannatonic and Great White, and I am A-OK for work (I’m in clinical nutrition, so pretty much a very cerebral job).


I bought this strain from the SQDC under the name Temple from Aurora. It has no THC and very high CBD. Wonderful. Felt relaxing without being stoned!


I bought this strain from the SQDC from Soleil. I really wanted to like this strain because of the the high CBD (about 13%) compared to THC (7%) but I got anxious (self defeating thoughts and self judgement). I tried to mix it with another high CBD strain (Cannatonic), I tried smoking less.. Hélas! I can only feel fine if I smoke an extremely low amount with another strain... But, I have BPD, so I smoke to mellow out. Also, I would get small muscle spasms !