
member since 2014

Recent Reviews10 total

Blue Dream

I am VERY sensitive to weed. I was in a pinch and all my go to strains were not available. Blue Dream is very common so I figured I would try it out. I was beyond blown away and now understand why it's one of the most popular strains! I smoke because I am bipolar. I have crushing depression and a mind that overthinks. I mainly smoke indica because I typically have nothing but terrible trips on stativa. Everything from losing my mind to throwing up. But this strain is life changing. You get a nice body high like you would with indica. But how happy you feel on Blue Dream....it's wonderful. I feel creative but at the same time my thoughts are locked in a perimeter so they can't wonder too far. It also allows me to feel and function normal. You can go to sleep, watch tv, take a walk, be in a social setting or even have sex (this strain for sure enhances the experience!). My new go to strain for every occasion. Whoever made this strain....you are a hero.

Black Diamond

I'm bipolar and this is the best strain I've ever had for relief. Here is why: It feels like a cap is put on my head and doesn't allow my thoughts to spin out of control. I took it last night for mania and I finally was able to calm down and relax. It also has a perfect mix of able to move and able to chill. Everything is light and fun. You're clear headed but you will still forget what you went into the kitchen to get. Most importantly is the overall feel. You feel like you are in this safe cocoon. No paranoia or nervous thoughts. It will make you laugh a ton and want to have sex. About an hour in, you will be so clear headed that you will feel like the high has worn off...but if you try to do anything, you will see you are still high. I've tried a lot of strains for bipolar relief. It doesn't get better than Black Diamond!!!

Lamb's Bread

*Note: I mix this strain with "ACDC" which is a 1:25 ratio of THC to CBD to help from having a bad trip and I vape it out of a Pax. This strain is perfect. It is hands down the best high I have ever had. It wasn't influenced by getting high with my friends or having an experience or anything. I sat at home, ate dinner and watched a movie.....and yet it beat every strain I have ever tried which include: Mr. Nice, Bubba Kush, Girl Scout Cookies, God's Gift, Lemon Drop, Super Lemon Haze, ACDC, Platinum Bubba Kush, Maui Waui, Black Cherry Soda, Emperor's Cut, Black Mamba, Louis XIII, The Hulk, Euphoria, Cannatonic, Death Star OG, Lemon OG Kush, Blue Dream, Each strain has offered me relief in different ways and their purpose has differed depending on what I need it for. I am diagnosed Type 2 Bipolar. I am also ADD. I currently take Adderal for my ADD and Lamictal which is a mood stabilizer for Bipolar. The Lamictal causes MASSIVE depression and suicidal thoughts. I don't want to go on another Anti-Depressant like I have in the past (if you have been down that road, you know what I'm talking about). My depression has been HEAVY and very painful physically as well as mentally. I have been looking for the right strain for a LONG time and finally....FINALLY....this is it. The euphoria I feel on it makes me feel like the good old me before I started taking pills....I feel amazing without the downfalls of mania. In a span of 30 minutes, I went from a crushing headache, having crying fits and suicidal thoughts to being the happiest I have been in months. I was totally removed from my dark depression and into a place that not only put life into it's proper perspective but allowed me to experience the highs I used to feel. All the weight melted away and even though my night was super mundane, it was a perfect night by myself. Another thing to mention is that I have ALWAYS considered myself an indica guy. I am EXTREMELY sensitive to weed (anything that starts with a super, king, platinum, etc. or ends with an "OG" is always a bad time for me. I had a terrible trip on "Blue Dream" and even threw up when smoking the strain "Euphoria". Sativa's have been brutal to me!). But Lamb's Bread is it! Look, if you are looking to have some crazy trip, there are plenty of other strains out there that will give you just that. I legitimately use weed as a medical purpose....which is why I am writing this to everyone. If you suffer from Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar or ADD, this strain is perfect. Look no further. It's clear enough to focus and carry on conversations easily but not so clear where it almost becomes harsh. The first half of this high is mostly head high....but the second half....wow....what a body high! I felt AMAZING on this. No headaches like Girl Scout Cookies, Super Lemon Haze, etc. can bring on. The first half is energetic and the second half has a small sleepy effect. Could have been cause it was getting late...but amazing that I have the option of smoking a sativa at night and being able to go to bed on it if I want! I can't recommend this strain enough! The only other strain that comes close is either Maui Waui or Mr. Nice...but even then they don't even compare to Lambs Bread!

Maui Wowie

I am typically an Indica guy who is extremely sensitive to Stativa. I have been known to throw up or have TERRIBLE trips. However, just one hit from a vape pen on Maui Waui and I feel amazing! It's like my brain is super awake and my body is getting a heavy massage. Tingling all over my body. Music sounds amazing and it feels like the sound waves are hitting my face! I feel super fun and creative while extremely focused on whatever my current task is (however, I found my mind wondered off a ton...but I was still super focused on whatever I was looking at). Overall it was the most amazing body high with an extremely adventurous mind high. I found it helped my mind A TON (I'm Bipolar) as well as any pains on my body. Great GREAT stuff!

Black Mamba

This strain is an utter Godsend for me. I am bipolar and there are times when I feel myself slipping into Mania. Typically I would just have to ride it out and apologize to my wife and friends when the mania ends. Sometimes it lasts a few hours. Sometimes a week. This has ALWAYS been the hardest thing about being bipolar....becoming manic and losing control and seeing the trail of destruction I leave behind me has been devastating. But this strain....it takes me from manic to normal in 5 minutes. The first time I tried it, I was about 3 hours into mania and I was saying a lot of mean things to my wife. I felt like I was having an out of body experience and I couldn't feel empathy, love....anything. That's when she told me to go smoke and come back. (Weed is still a new form of medication for me. I HATE chemical drugs and will let that be a last resort....). So I did....when I came back, I felt 100% normal. I was horrified by my actions and was able to see the monster I became. I must have apologized 100 times....I felt so removed from my mania that I could clearly see my actions for how destructive they were. Mania always takes out all emotion and love from me....when I smoked this strain....it's like everything returned to normal. We ended up talking and crying together for the next hour as we worked out a lot of my problems with ways to prevent this from happening in the future. Look, I have an amazing, loving wife to which I am extremely blessed. But and I have always seen being bipolar as this dark side that is such a burden to the ones I love. This strain changes everything. I thank God for this strain....you have no idea how much stability it has brought back into my life. Just an hour ago, I felt myself feeling manic, so I smoked from my pen and like it has in the past, it cut everything I was feeling and brought me back to normal. It also allows me to work like I normally would. I am still sharp and focused...I'm not wanting to pass out or in a state of couch lock. I was thinking about how there has to be others out there like me who need help and I wanted to share my joy. God Bless you guys.... **I vape this strain from an O-Pen. If you are in LA, go to The Wellness Earth Energy Dispensary in Studio City. They have hands down the biggest Vape selection.

Northern Lights

I smoke because I am bipolar. This strain didn't really do much for me on that realm. However...I don't think I have ever been more horny than on Northern Lights. Wow!

MMD - North Hollywood

This place has A TON of options. I came here cause it is one of few places in LA that sell Louis XIII which really helps with my chemical imbalance and depression. They not only have Louis XIII but a strain called The Hulk which is the same thing only grown by a different grower. Very nice people who are really informed. There is a reason why this place has killer reviews on Yelp and everywhere else.

King Louis

How is this strain not more popular?! I am still new to smoking but out of the 10 other strains I have tried...nothing comes close to this one!!! In LA, you can buy this or another strain called "The Hulk" which is the same thing just from different growers. It's a little hard to find in LA but California Compassionate Care Network in North Hollywood sell BOTH kinds which is great! I smoke because I am bipolar and I have crazy depression. I am still new to the smoking weed and only started as an alternative to taking chemical medicine. At the most, I smoke once a week...mainly when I feel a manic attack coming on or to lift my depression....just fyi. I am allergic to stativa (makes me throw up...every time...) but here is why this strain is THE BEST. My body feels like a heavy indica by the way I feel so relaxed...like I'm getting a massage...but my mind feels sharp and on point while having a huge body high. I just remember saying "I feel so amazing" all through out the night. Also, this strain did not make me sleepy despite feeling so relaxed. While high, I played cards with friends who were sober and had no clue I was high. Mentally I felt so happy and excited. Another reason why I like this strain so much is because it is almost a perfect mix of Girl Scout Cookies and Platinum Bubba. Girl Scout Cookies is a very sharp focused, euphoric, clear headed indica while Platinum Bubba has a lot of the body high effects where everything sounds AMAZING and everything you see is almost as if you are seeing it for the first time. I always thought with weed you only had an either/or choice but with Louis XIII, you get both which is AWESOME! I don't feel super baked when high on Louis....rather very much myself in functionality and comprehension. I used to use Girl Scout Cookies for daytime medication and Platinum Bubba for night but now I can just use Louis XIII and have the best of both worlds for anytime. The high lasts for days too. Mentally I felt so at peace and normal the following days. This strain is AMAZING for people who suffer from mental illness, ADD or physical pain. I also get extremely creative when on it and laugh...but in a controlled way to not seem weird or high. Little to no paranoia. Also created a lot of arousal....more than any other strain I have tried (and it lasted for a few days too!). Dry mouth FOR SURE but other than that, this would be my all time favorite strain which I plan on being my go-to from now on. I am writing this much because I want to help other people like me who are in that trial and error process of finding the right strain. Cheers!

Death Star OG

STRONG! It hits hard and keeps on coming. As heavy as this indica is, I still had a clear enough head to function on a basic level. 30 minutes in my body felt like it was getting a massage. Super relaxing, no paranoia. This strain is amazing for people with insomnia. Put me to sleep with the greatest of ease and let me sleep solid through the night. This is the first indica that has REALLY knocked me out.


I didn't know strains like this existed until trying GSC. I used to take Xanax for my anxiety and currently take Adderal for my ADD. This strain combined the feeling I get from both medications. I felt so happy and excited about life and yet super focused. I was also extremely energetic and felt in many ways like myself. My friend and I walked around town, ate, etc. all while not paranoid and just loving life. I also found myself wanting to talk about everything. I'm still new to smoking weed (I started cause I'm bipolar). If you take this and are new like me...start small. One good hit from a glass pipe was all it took.