
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total


This is one strain that once you try it, you will forever be hoping it comes around again very soon. I've had this one a bunch of times, and not once have I walked away and said, "well this isn't all I remembered it to be..." it just keeps getting better. Fantastic buzz that empowers you, but doesn't overwhelm you. And the smell......smelling Trainwreck the first time is like when you discover what Skittles are when you were like 3 or 4. It is a smell you attempt to keep in your glorious nostrils.


Good. Freakin. Lord. When you find it for real, it forever stays in your "top-five" list. It burns fast to slow depending on how long it was dried, but either way, it hits like a tank. The very first time you smell an actual fruit flavor like this coming from your leafy friend, you say to yourself, "what was I doing with my life before this? Whatever it was is just pointless now. Do whatever you have to in order to get it if you hear someone has it. It's worth ANY hoops you'll have to jump through. ANY.

White Widow

White Widow is BY FAR my favorite strain I've ever had. I was told when I bought it to only smoke a little, then wait and let it kick in. I thought the guy was messing with me, so I partook and finished a bowl without feeling even the slightest bit high. So I loaded up round two. As soon as I raised it to my mouth, round one hit me like a car hitting a squirrel. It just kept kicking in....and in....and IN....AND IN...AAAAND IIIIIIIINNNNN!!!!!! I was a multiple-times-an-hour smoker of top notch, and this stuff knocked me in the dirt. I love the creeper aspect of it, but good luck if a cop pulls you over because it's got a funk from hell that no amount of Axe can cover up. She is my favorite for a reason.